Surprisingly Simple Vehicle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Reigns Supreme

Surprisingly Simple Vehicle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Reigns Supreme

As beautiful as Hyrule is, getting around the massive map on foot is tiring – but by taking advantage of the best vehicle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link never has to worry about a boring or drawn-out adventure ever again. The contraption is simple in design and relatively easy to assemble, but it’ll save players a disproportionate amount of time and headaches, since they’ll no longer need to keep track of a depleting stamina bar or watch for pesky enemies who wish to rudely interrupt their journey.

Thanks to the new Ultrahand ability, the Hero of Hyrule has been able to employ the help of ancient Zonai technology in all sorts of hilarious and unimaginable ways. From self-automated drones to fully operational, weaponized mechs, players have been building some deadly Ultrahand creations in Tears of the Kingdom that manage to turn Link’s medieval adventure into an extreme lesson in physics. Such over-the-top builds are oftentimes a blast to experiment with, but one unexpectedly straightforward Ultrahand vehicle in TOTK proves that functionality ultimately trumps flashiness.

The best vehicle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the “air bike.” The simple, yet effective build – which was originally posted to YouTube by 2uncle2dane – lets players fly around Hyrule without a care in the world for the surprisingly low price of only two Fans and a single Steering Stick. For what it may lack in glamor, the air bike makes up for it tenfold through its maneuverability, aerodynamics, and low battery usage. The best part about it is that unlike many TOTK vehicles, the air bike never despawns; players can hover in the sky for as long as they please.

Fortunately, the parts for the air bike aren’t hard to come by. The Fan and the Steering Stick are some of the best Zonai devices in Tears of the Kingdom, but they’re also some of the most common, and players will frequently find them in Zonai device dispensers or even just lying around the map. As 2uncle2dane explains, assembling the air bike is slightly trickier, since it requires sandwiching the Steering Stick perfectly in between two Fans, which are angled at 45 degrees. Getting the placement just right might take multiple tries, since an even slightly off-center Steering Stick can cause the vehicle to lose balance or to fly haphazardly.

However, the air bike is well worth any frustration that stems from the assembly process, as the end result will have Link zooming around Hyrule with unprecedented ease. Indeed, riding around the map in a fully-blown tank or a spaceship may win the player a bit more style points – but when it comes to getting from point A to point B, the air bike is the best vehicle in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

2023-06-07 06:30:04
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