Starfield Receives Early Internet Review: Reviewer Highly Pleased with the Game

Starfield Receives Early Internet Review: Reviewer Highly Pleased with the Game

Today, a review⁤ from the popular Brazilian blogger Cortes do Davy Jones leaked onto​ the internet prematurely. Bethesda had‌ sent ⁤him a‌ copy of Starfield in advance for a full ​review. At the moment, the review video,⁢ which ⁤was mistakenly published early, has already been removed.⁣ However, Portuguese-speaking users have described the main points from his review (contains no spoilers):

He praised the‌ graphics and ‍the ships, saying that they look​ amazing.

He also praised the performance: the blogger played it ‌on Xbox Series X, and⁤ according to⁣ him, the performance was much better compared ⁢to other recently released games. Although the game runs at 30​ frames per second, he noted​ that it manages to ​hide‍ it very well and​ even at 30 frames per second, it is ​capable of providing the player with a smooth gameplay experience. As for the downsides, he mentioned the presence of a fairly large number of loading screens in the game.

The characters turned ⁤out to be interesting, in the Bethesda​ style, but their facial animations are ‌very disappointing. Although they have improved compared to previous games, they are still somewhere between average and below average.

He played at a normal difficulty​ level and according to him, the AI was ‍stupid, but still didn’t allow the‍ player to sit still and⁢ constantly forced them to move during combat.⁢ He didn’t check how the AI behaves at higher difficulties. However, according to ⁤him, the more he played the game, the more he forgot about what he didn’t like about it.‌ He said that the⁤ game ‌is quite easy⁤ at normal difficulty ‌level. The blogger noted that ‍each weapon feels weighty.

The quests turned out to be very‍ captivating, able to keep the player engaged. He claims to have spent many nights trying to complete some quests as quickly as possible because they intrigued him a lot. He didn’t reveal much about the main ⁢campaign to avoid spoilers, ⁤but according to him, it is very ⁣good and undoubtedly‌ the best story campaign from Bethesda.

One of his criticisms of the game was the lack of a guide and a detailed mini-map. It is extremely difficult‌ to navigate: the player often gets lost in the huge city and has no idea what to do. According​ to him, the game will improve a lot ​when guides ⁤start coming out because the game itself doesn’t explain many of its mechanics, leaving⁤ the player lost and forcing them⁤ to figure them out on the fly.

The inventory management came‌ under criticism, and according to him, it is very limited -⁢ his ship can ‍only⁢ hold⁣ 400 kilograms. ​According to​ him, the ​inventory is always full and ​because of this, the character cannot ​run properly, ⁤so it was difficult for ​him to focus on looting anything because both the character and‌ the ship ⁢carry very little weight.

Ship battles are not a culminating moment in the⁣ game. They become significantly better when the player gets a better⁣ ship, but it still wasn’t ⁣something that could greatly​ surprise him.

He rated the game at 8.5 points, noting that it is a very good game with incredible graphics and ​atmosphere, huge ⁤cities ‌to explore, engaging missions, interesting characters, and enjoyable gameplay.

Despite⁤ the fact that some may⁤ consider the score relatively low ⁣by modern standards, ‍people ‍who follow him note that he ⁣is quite strict in his evaluations of all projects in general. For example, the recent Forspoken received⁣ a score of 4.5 from him.

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