Starfield Player Successfully Recreates Normandy Ship from Mass Effect

Starfield Player Successfully Recreates Normandy Ship from Mass Effect

One of the strongest arguments in⁤ favor of Bethesda’s⁣ latest open-world role-playing game is the flexibility‌ it ​provides to players when creating characters and spaceships that can ⁣recreate famous people and ships from ​games, movies, and TV shows.

Naturally, many of these‌ creative projects were taken ‍from popular sci-fi movies like Alien and Star Wars. And now, one player has recreated‌ a spaceship from one ‌of BioWare’s most iconic franchises.

A ⁢Reddit user named‌ SexyGandalph‍ has posted screenshots of their incredibly accurate replica of the Normandy from Mass Effect. ⁣Specifically,‍ this ship resembles the⁤ SR-2 from Mass Effect 2, with its⁤ orange glow and afterburners.

For ‍many fans, the Normandy ⁢is almost‍ synonymous with Mass ‌Effect, just⁢ like Commander Shepard, as​ this reliable spaceship carried them and⁤ their diverse⁢ team of allies​ throughout the Milky Way ‍galaxy in BioWare’s original trilogy. ‌Initially, the Normandy was given ⁣to Shepard ⁢during a mission to search for​ Spectre Saren, and it was considered the Alliance fleet’s gem due to its advanced stealth technology. ‌It was destroyed at​ the beginning of Mass Effect ⁣2, but the organization Cerberus built a ⁤second Normandy. ‍This ​ship was⁣ captured and refitted by the Alliance‍ for ⁣the final battle against the ⁣Reapers in Mass Effect 3.

It is unknown whether the Normandy will appear in Mass Effect 4, but fans have fond memories of the reliable ship that ⁢journeyed to ​Ilos, conquered​ the Omega-4 relay, and confronted the​ Reapers above the battlefields of ⁢Earth. Thanks to Starfield’s ship-building mechanics, players ‌can⁤ now travel through ‌the universe at the helm of this legendary ship.

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