Starfield: A Comprehensive Guide to PC Cheat Codes and Their Usage

Starfield: A Comprehensive Guide to PC Cheat Codes and Their Usage

With Starfield ⁢ being available on PC, many players are looking for cheat codes to enhance their experience to their liking. However,‌ before any cheats can be entered, players will first need to go through the process of getting⁢ everything set up, so they ⁣can use the cheats properly.

In​ Starfield, the cheats are also known as Console Commands.⁤ These cheats can allow players to explore the galaxy in an entirely new way by ⁢unlocking⁤ any locked door, spawning⁣ items for themselves on a whim, or even toggling on and off God mode. As always,‌ cheat codes are completely optional,⁣ but something worth considering for a little extra fun.

This will open the console commands screen where the cheat codes may be entered. Note that the previously mentioned warning about achievements being‌ turned off will appear the first time the Command Console is opened, but never again. Use the same key to open and close the Commands Console.

Note that some of these Cheats may reveal aspects of the gameplay that‌ players have not naturally encountered yet, so if looking to avoid any of that, proceed with caution. There ⁣are a couple of main different types of cheats.

There are the main ​commands that affect​ aspects of the game or the character and ⁣then there are item commands that can spawn items into existence either in the game or in ‍the inventory ⁤by utilizing their specific code. Every item​ will have a unique one, so it’s best to keep track of the codes for those that are most useful so they don’t need to⁣ be looked up every time.

2023-09-02 10:24:02
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