Silent Hope Interview at Gamescom 2023: Unlocking the Power of Communication

Silent Hope Interview at Gamescom 2023: Unlocking the Power of Communication

Silent⁤ Hope is set to release in October, and its unique premise is one of its main selling⁢ points. The game allows players to control seven different heroes in a world where there are no voices.⁢ This presents a challenge in terms of creating compelling ⁤characters and developing a strong connection with them. How can ⁢players feel attached to ​a cast that never speaks? How will these heroes⁣ form bonds ‍throughout their journey?

However, according to ‌Silent Hope producer Makoto Shioda and scenario writer Honoka⁢ Moriwaki, it’s not as complicated as it seems. We had‌ the opportunity to speak with the ​developers​ during Gamescom 2023, and they provided us with⁤ a deeper understanding of ‍how ‍Silent Hope plans to present its heroes and ‍story. They also discussed the game’s connection to Rune Factory and revealed which⁢ heroes they ‌recommend players to choose.

Regarding the game’s relation to Rune Factory, does it take​ place within the timeline ⁤of the Rune‍ Factory world?

As for the game’s seven different fighters, what​ led to the decision ⁣of having seven? How will players⁣ become acquainted‍ with these characters throughout the game?

Do you have a favorite character?

2023-08-25⁣ 19:00:05
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