Signatures Continue to Accumulate on Fans’ Petition Urging the Removal of Amber Heard from “Aquaman”

Signatures Continue to Accumulate on Fans’ Petition Urging the Removal of Amber Heard from “Aquaman”

The⁤ discussion surrounding ‌Amber​ Heard‌ in society has ⁣significantly quieted⁣ down,⁣ but fans⁢ still want her ‍to​ be​ excluded​ from “Aquaman‌ 2”.

The string‌ of ​failures from DC with superhero ‌movies became particularly acute when Heard ‍made headlines.‍ Despite a⁤ respectable career in cinema, fans turned against⁣ Aquaman⁣ after she⁢ published an ​article in the Washington Post.‌ What started‍ as‍ an article⁢ about ‍surviving⁤ violence turned into a‍ legal ​battle after her ex-husband Johnny Depp sued her⁣ for defamation. Public‌ perception of Heard as ​a⁤ public ⁤figure declined, ​and many⁤ fans ​called for ⁣her⁣ role ‌as Mera⁣ to⁤ be ⁣recast.

The court ruled in ‌Depp’s favor ⁣in this case, but Heard’s problems did‌ not end ⁣there.‍ The actress largely ​avoids ‍public attention, ⁤but​ fans⁢ still‌ want her removed ⁤from the​ movie “Aquaman”.‌ A‍ petition ​created on‌ on⁢ March 20,‍ 2019, demanded‌ signatures ​in support of removing Heard⁢ from​ the role of ‍Mera, ⁢Arthur’s ⁣(Jason‍ Momoa)⁣ love⁤ interest. And ‌to ⁤this day,‍ hundreds of​ people ⁤continue to sign ⁢the petition ‌for a reshoot of⁣ this ​role: ​as of July 18, ⁢2023, ⁢4,630,532 ‌signatures ​had been ⁤collected.

The‌ emergence of this petition was also ⁢influenced by a​ cycle​ of news⁤ related to Depp. Once ‍a⁢ beloved‍ Disney actor in‍ the ‌”Pirates‍ of the Caribbean”‍ franchise, he ⁢was fired from the “Fantastic ⁣Beasts” franchise, where⁤ Mads‌ Mikkelsen​ replaced his role⁤ as⁣ Grindelwald. ⁣The petition claims ⁤that​ Depp‍ was an innocent‌ witness​ and that⁣ the blame‍ should ⁣solely⁣ lie​ on ⁢Heard.

The⁢ creators ⁣of ⁤”Aquaman”‍ did not bother to⁢ figure out⁢ what to do⁤ in‍ the current situation.‌ As ⁢of now, Heard⁤ is⁣ still listed ‌as‍ Mera‍ in the ‌upcoming⁣ sequel.

The ⁢premiere ‍of the movie “Aquaman⁢ 2” is planned for December ⁣20, 2023.

Article ⁢from⁤

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