Should You Play Ark: Survival Ascended if You Liked Evolved?

Should You Play Ark: Survival Ascended if You Liked Evolved?

Upgrading to Ark:​ Survival Ascended has its pros ⁢and cons. Ascended is a revamped version of Ark: Survival Evolved.‌ It offers a ‍refresh of the classic⁣ Ark experience:⁢ players must tame dinosaurs, build​ bases, and make‌ allies⁤ or strike‌ down​ enemies ⁤in order to survive.

But while there⁤ are certain differences between Ark:​ Survival Ascended ⁣and Evolved, the two are, at ⁤their core, the same exact game. Ascended‌ may look better,‍ but don’t download it expecting a completely different experience: it has the same gameplay, the same mechanics, and ‍to some extent, the same problems as Evolved. So, is Ark: ‍Survival Ascended really worth the price of admission?⁢ Here are all the ⁤reasons⁢ why or why not.

Those who upgrade to Ark: Survival Ascended won’t be able to transfer any of their progress from Ark:⁣ Survival Evolved. ⁣In most cases, this is ⁢because game progress ⁢is saved‍ on multiplayer⁤ servers, which can’t be carried over ‌from one​ game⁢ to another. However, ⁤there’s also no feature to transfer single-player saves from ‌Evolved to Ascended. And even the official servers that transferred from Evolved to Ascended were completely wiped, taking all the players on them back to square one.

In practice, what this means is that anyone who upgrades to Ascended will have to start​ completely from scratch, on a new server ⁢or ‌new save file.⁤ Many have invested a lot​ of time into Evolved. Losing all that‌ progress is an unappealing thought, ​and one‌ good reason ‌to ‌stick⁤ with ⁢the ⁢original version of the game.

Players of Ark: Survival Ascended⁣ appear to be ⁢running into many of the⁤ same issues that first plagued Evolved ⁢ in‍ its 2015 release. Official servers lag and⁢ crash frequently, ⁤dinosaurs clip through walls,⁣ and​ distracting, resource-demanding graphics ‍settings can’t⁣ be ‍adjusted or turned off. It’d be a stretch to say Ark: Survival Evolved⁢ is bug-free in 2023, but it has the ‌benefit of ⁤updates, patches, and fixes going back ‍eight years. Ascended, by contrast, is much newer, and still has plenty ‍of kinks to work out. While this will likely improve over time, ⁣in its current state, Ark: Survival Ascended doesn’t run any better than Evolved.

2023-12-14 16:41:04
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