Senate Committee Supports Legislation to Strengthen Economic Relations Between U.S. and Taiwan

Senate Committee Supports Legislation to Strengthen Economic Relations Between U.S. and Taiwan

The Senate Finance Committee on Thursday passed ⁤a bill that would deepen economic ties between the United States and Taiwan ⁤and effectively create a tax treaty that is expected to pave the way for more​ Taiwanese investment in the American semiconductor industry.

The effort⁣ by Congress could inflame tensions between the United States and China at a time when⁤ the Biden administration has been working to stabilize the relationship. President Biden dispatched three cabinet officials ⁢to Beijing⁢ this summer to improve dialogue between the world’s two largest economies.

In a rare‍ demonstration of bipartisanship, the tax-writing committee ⁢passed the bill unanimously. Although Republicans and Democrats have vastly different views on most areas of tax ‌policy, the two parties are united in their support‍ for Taiwan and antipathy‍ for China — which denies the island’s independence.

The legislation would end the double taxation between the United States and Taiwan that has strained business ties for⁣ years. Currently,​ Taiwanese companies and individuals⁢ doing business in the United States are taxed in both places, and vice versa for U.S. companies, making it expensive for the businesses to invest in one another.

The United States has tax treaties with many countries that eliminate double taxation, ‌but it has been unable to form such a treaty with Taiwan because the two ​governments do‌ not have official ‍diplomatic ties. The United States established diplomatic ties with China in 1979 and ​broke off formal relations with Taiwan. Since then, every U.S. administration has tried‌ to maintain an ambiguous position‌ on Taiwan based on the “One China” policy.

Usually, U.S. administrations strike tax treaty⁤ agreements⁢ with other countries that are ratified by the Senate. To circumvent the normal tax treaty ‌process, Congress has been working on legislation that would change the tax ‍code directly as long as Taiwan enacts similar benefits for Americans who want to do business there.

The bill was drafted with input from House lawmakers and ‍it could⁤ become law this year, if the full Senate and House approve it and President Biden signs it. The⁣ Biden administration has expressed support for ending double ⁢taxation with Taiwan.

Lawmakers view the legislation as a way to ​bolster American manufacturing and accelerate investment in the U.S. semiconductor industry. Congress⁤ approved⁢ more than $50 billion in support for the sector as part of the CHIPS Act ​legislation⁢ that was enacted last year and Taiwan, which is a global leader in the production of microchips, has‌ been planning to build manufacturing facilities⁢ in the United States.

Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat‌ of ⁢Oregon, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, said ⁢on Thursday that the⁢ legislation would help make those plans possible.

“To ensure that our⁢ country‍ continues to grow these investments in America, relief of double taxation between the U.S. and Taiwan is an⁣ important next step,” Mr.⁤ Wyden said. “We⁤ do not want…

2023-09-14 21:01:28
Source⁢ from

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