Sega Abandons Blockchain Plans, Labels F2P Games as ‘Tedious’

Sega Abandons Blockchain Plans, Labels F2P Games as ‘Tedious’

In April 2021, at the height of Web 3 Mania, Sega was one of the biggest companies to pledge its future to the scam that was “play to earn”. Now, just two years later and after the ass has completely fallen out of that market, Sega has had a change of heart.

As we wrote at the time, in a story with the headline ‘Sega Wants To Sell NFTs, Can Fuck Right Off’:

Those plans are now mostly done for. In an interview with Bloomberg, Sega’s co-Chief Operating Officer Shuji Utsumi has said the company will now “withhold its biggest franchises from third-party blockchain gaming projects to avoid devaluing its content”, and will also be “shelving plans to develop its own games in that genre at least for now”.

2023-07-07 16:24:03 Sega Bins Blockchain Plans, Calls F2P Games ‘Boring’
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