Screenwriter reveals Baldur’s Gate 3 to feature an impressive 17,000 potential endings.

Screenwriter reveals Baldur’s Gate 3 to feature an impressive 17,000 potential endings.

In ‌2023, we can expect two⁣ massive role-playing ⁣games:⁣ Starfield and Baldur’s ⁢Gate​ 3.​ The developer⁢ Larian​ has ​announced​ that Baldur’s ⁤Gate 3 has ​approximately ‍17,000 ⁢different ‌endings, ​making ⁣it even more expansive⁢ than previously⁢ believed.

This information⁤ was⁣ revealed⁣ in⁢ a Fextralife YouTube​ video ⁣featuring⁤ an interview with⁤ the Larian team.

During the interview, ​Kristal Ding,⁢ one of ‍the lead writers⁤ on ‌the⁣ project, discussed the ‌game’s endings. She ⁣has ​been working‍ on⁤ them for six months, ⁣which ⁤is⁢ incredible. ⁢When asked ⁤about the ​number ‌of possible​ endings,‍ she ⁢revealed ‌that​ there‌ are 17,000.

It appears ⁢that ⁢the number “17,000”⁢ is well-known‌ within Larian,⁣ as another ⁣member​ of the ⁢development ​team expressed ‍concern ​on ⁢Twitter about fans discovering ‌this ​number.

Oh⁢ no,⁣ they⁣ found‍ out about the 17,000 number.

It is important to⁤ note that the⁣ “17,000”‍ refers⁤ to ⁢variations,⁤ not ‌completely ⁢different ​endings. ⁣According to ‍Fextralife,‍ the developers ​were​ unable ⁤to ​immediately ⁢provide the number of main ‌endings⁣ in‌ the game, ⁤but there will certainly⁣ be​ far​ fewer ​than ​17,000.

Baldur’s⁢ Gate 3 ⁤is ​a⁤ massive open-world ‌role-playing⁢ game⁤ developed by‍ the⁣ creators of the⁣ Divinity: Original Sin series. ⁤The PC ‍version’s⁤ release date⁣ has ⁣been ⁣delayed​ by one⁣ month, moving from ⁤August​ 31st ​to ‍October ⁣3rd,⁤ to avoid ⁣conflicting with Starfield, which is ⁢set to release​ in ⁣early ​September⁣ by Bethesda. ⁢The PlayStation 5 ‌version has also‍ been slightly ‌delayed‌ to September 6th, while‍ the release⁣ dates ⁤for the⁤ Xbox ⁣Series X ​and ⁢S ⁤versions are still unknown (more details on⁢ the Baldur’s ⁢Gate⁢ 3 ​delay for ‍Xbox‌ can‌ be found ‌here).

In ⁣an interview,‍ Vinca⁢ stated that‌ according ⁢to ​the⁤ developers,⁣ the⁢ average playthrough⁤ of ⁤Baldur’s⁢ Gate 3‍ takes between‍ 75​ and 100 hours. However,​ players‌ who ‍want ⁣to experience⁢ everything should ⁣expect ⁤to ‌double⁣ that number.

Post from rnrn

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