Romantic Relationships Between NPC Companions Unavailable in Baldur’s Gate 3

Romantic Relationships Between NPC Companions Unavailable in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 will be one of the most massive role-playing games of the year, ‌and Larian is preparing ⁤for its release by spreading new information. It was announced ⁣that original NPC characters will not‍ engage in romantic relationships with each⁣ other. ​

With such a variety of classes in Baldur’s ‍Gate 3, you might⁣ forget that there is a ⁢whole romance system in BG3. According to representatives from Larian, these romances “can‍ evolve into relationships that give significance to every decision you make in the game, and you ‌are free to pursue them, considering and choosing the consequences”. However, at any‍ moment, ⁤you can decline them, change your mind, or fall in love with someone ‌else.”

Polyamorous relationships are also not excluded, but what⁣ you ⁣won’t see are original NPC characters – ready-made characters ⁣that you ​can play as or see‌ them join you in your adventure -‍ engaging in‍ relationships with each other.

According to representatives from Larian, here are your options:

– Players can enter a ​romance with an original NPC.
– An original NPC cannot enter a romance ⁢with another original NPC.
– An original player character cannot engage in a romance with other original player characters.

Therefore,​ in Baldur’s Gate 3, ‌we will not see‍ flourishing relationships like⁤ Garrus and Tali, ⁤which is‌ a bit disappointing. However, there was previously mentioned something else:⁢ “Original characters ‌can enter a romance with other original characters⁤ if they are not ‍the⁣ main player-controlled characters”.

In any case, currently, original NPC characters cannot engage in romantic relationships with each other, according to the updated statement‍ from Larian.

In early access to Baldur’s Gate 3, characters can flirt during⁢ adventures ⁣or even talk about how bad ‌one‍ of the companions is in bed, but they do not have any in-game romances. So don’t worry, they are still​ having sex, they just don’t tell you about it.

Original from ‌ rnrn

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