Romance (as a genre) remains very much alive

Romance (as a genre) remains very much alive

Romance (as⁢ a category) is far from dead

“WOW, THIS ​is not what ‍I was expecting at all,” says Allison, a nurse, remembering the⁤ first romance novel she ever read. Having shared the general ⁤literary snobbery that ​clings to romance novels, she⁣ is now evangelical​ about​ the genre. “It is wonderful to ‍take ‍somebody who is kind⁣ of sceptical and then tell them about it.”

Allison⁤ was browsing in The‍ Ripped Bodice, a romance-novel shop that recently opened in ⁣Brooklyn. The⁢ day the ⁤shop opened, the queue to get in was more than an hour long. The shop, which is whimsical in its decor, is serious in its devotion to romance ‍novels.

The popularity of The Ripped Bodice ⁤(the second location devoted to romance ‍that sisters Leah and​ Bea​ Koch have opened) is part of a larger shift. ⁢During the pandemic, when many were stuck at home and⁤ looking for escapist reading, fictional romance blossomed. In the ​year to May romance print sales ⁣were up by 52%, according to Circana, a market-research firm. List-price sales grew by 74%. Annual growth in sales went ​from ​6% in 2020 to more than 50% last year.

2023-08-31 ⁣08:03:12
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