Refresh yourself with a shower after a gruesome massacre in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Refresh yourself with a shower after a gruesome massacre in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers numerous possibilities, but many of the‌ mechanics are not immediately apparent to players. ‍One example is the ability⁤ to distribute‌ a healing potion among multiple characters to increase their HP with just one bottle. This is just one of many hidden mechanics in the game. Another mechanic allows ⁢players to clean off ‍dirt ‌and blood after a battle without‌ having to‌ go to camp.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, players have‍ access⁢ to ​a character ​editor, which some fans spend a ⁢lot ⁣of time‌ using. However,⁤ if a character becomes covered in​ dirt and⁣ blood after⁤ a fight, it can negatively impact‍ their appearance. While most players would typically ⁤clean their characters‌ by sleeping at camp, it turns out that there is another solution⁤ to this “problem”.

One player on Reddit reported that standing under a ⁤waterfall is a quick and efficient‌ way to take a shower in the game. Unfortunately, there are not many waterfalls in ‍the game world, but other ​fans of Larian Studios’ masterpiece shared a ‌more accessible method in the comments. ‍They suggested placing a bottle of water next to companions and breaking it with a weapon to wash their faces.

Another option for washing is to ‍use the “create water” spell. This spell can be useful in other situations as well, but for now, it’s worth noting that it’s a minor spoiler that won’t spoil the enjoyment​ of the‌ game.

If you’re ⁤a fan of in-game romance with Astarion, you may have noticed that she is a fiery character. The red-haired warrior⁢ girl is so ⁤hot that⁢ even ​a simple touch can burn your ​hero. However, ⁢you can cool her ⁣down with water and enjoy a little kiss. It may seem like⁢ a small thing, but seeing the joy⁢ on Astarion’s face makes it worth it.

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