Ranked: The Top 10 Most Stylish Helms in Baldur’s Gate 3

Ranked: The Top 10 Most Stylish Helms in Baldur’s Gate 3

Using stylish helms in Baldur’s Gate 3 may not give players a tactical advantage in combat, but ​it may aid them with further immersion, as they dress their⁤ characters according to their own sense of style. Helmets are a secondary piece of equipment in the game and do not⁤ normally add to the AC (Armor Class) of a character, but often provide special bonuses and even ⁤unlock unique skills for those who equip them. Coincidentally, some of ⁣the best helmets in Baldur’s Gate 3 in ⁢terms of stats and abilities ⁤are also some of the most stylish helms in ‍the game.

For players who prefer style to⁢ substance, there are plenty‍ of options to choose from. It is ‍quite common for headgear to be invisible in games and, in​ fact, there is an option‌ to disable them in Baldur’s​ Gate 3, allowing players to keep their characters’ heads clean while retaining any benefits provided by the⁣ equipment. Nevertheless, there are several good-looking helms that can be found throughout the game that further incentivize showing off headgear, even if that blocks their companions’ faces.‌ Some ⁢are hard to find, but may just be worth the effort.

Related: ⁣One Easily Missed Baldur’s‌ Gate 3 Mechanic‍ Will Have Companions Camping⁣ In Style

While circlets are often very discreet and do not match the aesthetic appeal of‍ some helms and ​hoods, there​ is one ⁢particular piece that​ is extremely stylish. The Key of the Ancients is a beautiful circlet ⁢that resembles a crown of thorns or at least branches, making it fit for a druid or a druid companion in Baldur’s Gate 3.

A good aspect of it is that the Key of ‌the Ancients can be‌ obtained in Act 1 of ⁢Baldur’s Gate 3. This is a great early-game acquisition that can either be looted⁤ from Nettie or‌ Findal in​ the Druid Grove. Equipping it grants a +1 to⁤ Nature checks.

2023-11-11 04:00:06
Link from screenrant.com


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