“Quickly Create Your D&D Character with These 10 Time-Saving Tips”

“Quickly Create Your D&D Character with These 10 Time-Saving Tips”

Making characters is one of the best parts of Dungeons & Dragons, but that can be tough to do when short on time. Creating an entirely new person from scratch and sending them out into the world for adventure is a ridiculous amount of fun. However, not everyone has the time or skill to create intricate backstories and needs to put together a character quickly. Other players might not want to spend too much time creating a character for quick one-shots

Some people have tons of backup characters with elaborate backstories that are fully formed in their heads. But there are also DnD players who struggle to come up with characters or who just need something quick for a one-shot or short campaign. These tips and tricks are here to help everyone, from total beginners to DnD to long-time veterans.

One of the easiest methods to quickly create a new DnD character is to pick an aspect of the character and build a classic archetype around that. This is great for one-shots where characterization doesn’t necessarily matter too much. Using a classic character type can also make it easy for other players to quickly pick up on what type of person the character is as well, acting like DnD shorthand.

With this method, players can choose either class, race, or background and build the character up from there. In fact, starting with the backgrounds found in the Player’s Handbook can provide a lot of inspiration for quick-build characters as the book offers suggestions for each. Adding in different bonds and flaws will make the DnD character more interesting and allow for some personalization.

Another quick and simple way to create a DnD character is to make yourself. Players can create a DnD version of themselves and set on an adventure. While this might seem like a boring idea, it can lead to a lot of silliness and is great for more comical one-shots.

2023-06-02 11:30:07
Post from screenrant.com

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