Publisher Apologizes for Duke Nukem Promotion Utilizing AI Images

Publisher Apologizes for Duke Nukem Promotion Utilizing AI Images

The announcement that some old Duke Nukem games were coming to an Evercade handheld has caused quite a stir due to the discovery that the bundle’s promotion included a series of poorly generated images. One of the images, which has since been deleted, shows Duke standing on top of a pile of something, firing two large guns at something else. Although they are a video game publisher and hardware company, not an art studio, it seems that someone should have taken a closer look at the image before releasing it, as there are at least half a dozen red flags that can be seen at a glance.

Why are his legs bending like that? Why is there a patch of grey paint between his right arm and the gun? Why is the stock of the gun in his left hand bending around his forearm like that? Where is his left foot? Why are the flames coming out of the gun bending? What is going on with his trigger finger here?

2023-06-03 08:00:04 Duke Nukem Promo Caught Using AI Images, Publisher Apologises
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