Press Conference Held by Richard Marles and Defence Chief Following Reported Military Helicopter Crash in Australia

Press Conference Held by Richard Marles and Defence Chief Following Reported Military Helicopter Crash in Australia

From 1h agoKey events46m agoMilitary helicopter ⁣crash: defence minister confirms four aircrew still missing1h‍ agoTalks with⁢ US focus on strategy⁢ and Aukus ​pact1h agoFour feared‍ dead after military helicopter ‍in Exercise Talisman Sabre crashes1h​ agoWelcomeFilters BETAKey events (4)Richard⁢ Marles (5)US (4)Hamilton Island (3)Angus Campbell (3)21m ago19.02 EDT

Exercise Talisman Sabre​ director pauses operation after helicopter ‌crash

The helicopter that crashed ‌was taking part in Exercise ⁢Talisman Sabre,⁤ a training operation that⁢ involves defence forces from Australia, the ⁤US and⁤ other⁤ allies.

Brigadier Damian Hill, who is the exercise director of‌ Exercise Talisman Sabre, spoke at the media conference:

I’ve initiated a ​pause across Australia for⁢ all​ participants of Talisman Sabre to ​enable​ them all,​ regardless of their nation, to reach ‌out ‍and let their families know what is going on.

I’ll‌ be available throughout the day (and) in the ‍coming days as excise director to ⁣provide updates as they become known to us‍ to ensure that everybody is aware of what we’re​ doing to look after our people.

Updated at ⁣19.08 EDT46m ago18.37 EDTMilitary helicopter crash: defence‌ minister confirms four aircrew still missing

The‍ defence minister Richard Marles has addressed media.

He⁤ said a military helicopter engaged in a ​two-helicopter⁢ mission went down in waters close to Hamilton Island last night. There were four crew aboard the MRH-90 helicopter.

He said because ​a second helicopter was present a⁣ search and rescue mission was able to ⁣commence ⁤immediately:

As we speak to you now, the four ⁣aircrew⁤ are yet to be found.

He said the search and rescue was continuing​ and “we ⁢desperately hope for⁤ better news during the course of the day”.

Our hopes and thoughts are very much with ‍the aircrew and⁢ their families.

The families of the four crew have⁢ been notified.

The ‍chief of the defence force, Angus ⁣Campbell, said:

Our focus at the moment‌ is with finding‍ our people.

The defence minister, Richard Marles, has addressed media about the military⁢ helicopter crash. Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAPUpdated at 19.15 EDT52m ago18.31 EDT

Good morning, Lisa Cox with you this ‍morning. We are standing by for a press conference with the defence​ minister Richard Marles and the chief of the defence force Angus‌ Campbell about a reported military helicopter‍ crash off Hamilton⁣ Island. We’ll bring ⁢you that⁤ as ⁣soon ⁢as it begins.

Updated at 18.33 EDT1h ago18.20 EDTTalks​ with US focus on strategy and ​Aukus pact

This weekend’s​ talks in Brisbane‌ are the ​first since‍ the announcement of‌ the nuclear submarine agreement under ⁤the Aukus security‌ deal, writes Australian Associated Press.

The submarines are expected to be high on the ‍agenda, after opposition⁣ within US Congress signalled‍ progress on the deal could stall.

A small group ​of Republicans is threatening to⁣ block the agreement,‍ citing concerns​ the US ‍Navy will be left short.

Defence minister Richard Marles said ‌the Australia-US relationship was…

2023-07-28 18:10:04
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