Playing Starfield in the Wrong Order Enhances the Experience

Playing Starfield in the Wrong Order Enhances the Experience

Starfield is more enjoyable when played ‍out of order. As an open-world, sandbox-like RPG, there is​ no set order in⁢ which players will experience‌ its ⁢content. Most players ‍will ⁣choose to play it in their own way. They may do some of the ⁤main ⁣story, get involved in Starfield’s faction quests, explore a beautiful planet ​and get distracted, or start an outpost and focus‌ on that until it’s up and running. There are countless ways to play the game,⁣ and once the tutorial⁢ is completed, players ‌can go anywhere they want.

However, there is still a suggested way to complete Starfield, even if it’s⁤ not explicitly stated. Bethesda has been following ⁤the same open-world RPG formula for decades: encouraging players to take their time, explore, and engage in ​side content, knowing that the main content will ‍still be there when they⁣ return. But with‌ Starfield’s​ unique approach to New Game Plus, this approach may not be as appealing. There are arguments for both sides, and initially, it was difficult to determine whether players should rush into Starfield’s New Game Plus‍ or take their time. Now,⁢ a more‌ universal answer can be given.

Related: David ⁣Harbour Is Right About Starfield (Mostly)

The majority of Starfield ⁢is best experienced in⁢ NG+, so ‌it’s recommended to rush through the main story, at least on the first playthrough. Although it may be ⁢tempting to explore the vast galaxy, there is much more fun to be had in NG+. Players who try to complete everything in their first playthrough may actually‌ miss out on a better experience. They would⁤ be spending more time on ​a potentially less interesting playthrough, depriving themselves of ⁢new ​discoveries⁣ that they could experience in future playthroughs. They would also risk getting burnt out on Starfield ⁢earlier and missing out on the magic of a second playthrough.

Not to mention how repetitive and tedious it would be ‌to complete everything Starfield has to offer in the⁢ first run. It would take hundreds of hours,⁢ if⁢ not more, ‌with little variation to break up the monotony. Here⁢ are a few reasons why it’s best to speed through the ‍first run ‌and ‌take it slow in subsequent playthroughs, along with‌ a quick guide on what to focus on ‌each time.

2023-11-24 04:00:05
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