Players Disapprove of Remastered Red Dead Redemption, Flooding Announcing Trailer with Dislikes

Players Disapprove of Remastered Red Dead Redemption, Flooding Announcing Trailer with Dislikes

The company⁤ Rockstar surprised fans by announcing a reissue ⁣of Red Dead Redemption. However, ⁢instead of a full remaster or remake, they have opted for a simple port of the game, which will⁣ be ‌available on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.

Rumors about the return of⁤ Red Dead Redemption, which ‌was originally​ released in 2010,‍ have been circulating for⁣ several weeks. Recently, there have been hints on the Rockstar website suggesting that the game may also⁢ be released on Nintendo Switch. However, some ​viewers speculated that it would be ​available on all platforms, including PC.

Rockstar‍ has taken the easy route by releasing⁢ Red⁣ Dead Redemption on PlayStation⁣ 4, ⁣taking advantage of its backwards compatibility feature, which also allows the game to be​ played on ⁤PlayStation 5. However, no updates or ‌enhancements have⁣ been mentioned. It is worth ⁣noting that the original game is also available in a ⁣similar manner on Xbox Series X|S.

Rockstar has showcased the⁢ visuals of ​Red Dead Redemption on PlayStation⁣ 4, and a short trailer has been released for the Nintendo ‍Switch version. ‍As a result, comparisons have been made⁢ to highlight the differences between the releases.

The first video compares the game⁢ on⁤ Xbox ​One (running⁤ through backwards compatibility) and PS4.

In the second clip, the game​ is compared on Nintendo Switch and Xbox​ Series X (running through backwards compatibility).

In another video, the original Xbox 360 version is compared to the Nintendo ‌Switch version.

The game‌ will be available for‍ digital purchase on August ‌17, with the physical edition‌ releasing on October 13.

However, the announcement has received negative feedback from players. Many fans of the renowned studio ⁤were expecting a complete update. The official footage has already⁣ gathered ‍over 77,000‍ dislikes.

In addition to the lack of significant updates,‍ fans are disappointed with​ the $50 price tag. Despite its ⁣excellent gameplay⁣ and storyline, Red Dead Redemption was released over 13 years ago.

Therefore, Rockstar Games is demanding almost the full price ​for a decade-old game.​ On the other ⁣hand, ⁤Red Dead Redemption⁤ is already‍ available⁤ to Xbox⁤ users⁢ through ​backwards compatibility, and during ​sales,⁣ it can be purchased for less than $10, with the added benefit of higher resolution. Whether similar features will be included in the new port is⁢ currently unknown, but the announcement has not inspired much confidence.

PC ‍gamers are also disappointed as Red Dead‌ Redemption requires‍ emulation to be played on this platform. Many were hoping that the studio would release a native version​ for ‍the large⁣ PC audience.

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