Photos: Train Surfing Across Mexico, Fantasizing about a Fresh Start in the United States

Photos: Train Surfing Across Mexico, Fantasizing about a Fresh Start in the United States

Upon their​ arrival in Ciudad Juarez, just across the border from ⁣El⁤ Paso, Texas, a group of predominantly Venezuelan⁢ refugees and migrants ‌eagerly disembarked from a freight train, known as‍ La Bestia‍ (the beast), and set⁤ foot on solid ‍ground.

Over the course⁤ of a 10-day journey ⁤through Mexico to the United States border, ⁣this freight​ train⁢ had carried more⁢ than 1,000 ⁤”train surfers” on its roof.

The trip was far from easy. In addition to spending days and nights precariously balanced ​on top‍ of ⁣the moving‍ train, these‍ individuals had to evade Mexican migration agencies that were attempting to remove them from the train, according to Daiverson Munoz, a 20-year-old ‌from Venezuela.

“And we’re stuck in the middle of the desert. But it’s nothing, we’re ⁢here and we feel ‌super⁢ happy because we’re about to realize⁤ our dream. It’s been​ hard but not impossible.

“The ‍hardest part was seeing‍ how many people were​ injured” during the journey, said​ Munoz, ⁢a law student in his home country.

Jeffri Gomez, a 24-year-old Venezuelan woman who ‌was traveling with her husband and ⁣their ⁢one-year-old ⁢child, was ‌relieved to have reached the end ⁣of a perilous⁤ journey.

The train had‍ originated about 1,800km (1,120 miles) to the south in the State of ⁤Mexico, ⁤and many of the train surfers had sustained injuries along the way.

The final 370km (230 miles) of the trip took 17 hours due to numerous stops, Munoz explained.

This⁣ risky⁤ journey has become virtually the only option for those hoping to reach‍ the US border ‌in pursuit of ​a safer,⁣ better life, as it is nearly ⁤impossible​ to purchase‍ passenger tickets.

In mid-September, Mexico’s main rail ​operator reduced ⁢its ⁣traffic by 30 percent as​ the government implemented⁣ stricter security measures to prevent people from boarding the trains.

Upon their arrival,‍ the travelers⁢ encountered an official⁤ from the Mexican National Institute of Migration and a barbed-wire wall from ​the Texas National Guard on the banks of the Rio ⁤Bravo, ​a​ natural border ⁤with the ​US.

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