Palestinians demand investigation into Israeli teenager’s killing

Palestinians demand investigation into Israeli teenager’s killing

The Palestinian foreign ⁣ministry ⁤has called ​for an international investigation into‍ the ⁢Israeli‍ killing⁢ of a⁣ Palestinian​ teenager ​in the occupied West Bank town of ‍Sebastiya, ‌with more ⁢than‌ 200 Palestinians‍ killed by Israel this ⁣year.

Fawzi Hani Makhalfeh, 18, was driving with his friend Mohammed ​Mukheimar when Israeli forces‍ opened fire at their car​ at about‍ midnight.

Mukheimar⁣ was ‍injured and arrested⁣ by‍ Israeli forces.

Ahmed ⁣Jibril, the ‍director ‌of ambulance and ‍emergency services ‌at the‍ Red Crescent, said that ‍Makhalfeh ⁢was hit ⁢by several bullets, ​one of them⁢ directly in the​ head, out of dozens ⁤of bullets fired by the Israeli ⁣soldiers.

In a‍ statement,⁣ the Israeli​ army⁢ said⁣ that​ the‍ two Palestinians tried to​ drive a ​car into soldiers,⁢ but⁢ Makhalfeh’s ⁤family said ⁤the two ⁣did not‍ target soldiers but were‌ ambushed while driving‌ home, and ⁢that their ​car was⁣ riddled with​ bullets.

The mayor of Sebastia, Mohammad⁤ Azem, said he was ‌one‍ of the⁢ first to arrive ⁤at ⁢the scene. He described a scene of bloody carnage, with more than 50 bullet ‍holes⁢ in the chassis.

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