Over Time, the Economic Consequences of Extreme Heat Will Escalate

Over Time, the Economic Consequences of Extreme Heat Will Escalate

The⁢ economic ⁣impact of the​ pitiless heat wave​ that ⁣is‌ scorching southern Europe, the‌ United States ​and‍ much‍ of the Northern Hemisphere may⁤ be ​short-lived ⁤in most ​spots, ⁤with the ​temporary‍ closure of tourist sites,⁣ the ​abandonment ⁤of ‍outdoor dining⁢ and ⁣a rise in⁣ electricity⁢ use related to air ‌conditioning.

But ​over ‍the ⁤longer⁢ term,⁢ the ⁣economic fallout caused⁤ by climate‌ change ⁢is‌ likely‌ to ‌be ‌profound.

Devastating fires, floods‍ and ‍droughts⁣ tend to⁢ dominate⁢ the ⁣headlines. ⁤Other ‍insidious ⁤effects⁤ may⁣ generate less attention ‌but nonetheless⁢ take⁤ a toll. Researchers ‌have found ⁤that extreme⁤ temperatures reduce labor ‍productivity,⁣ damage crops, ⁣raise mortality⁤ rates, disrupt‍ global ⁢trade and dampen‍ investment.

An analysis by researchers associated ‍with‌ the ‌Centre for ⁣Economic⁢ Policy Research found that ⁤in Europe, ⁤France, ⁢Italy,​ Spain, Romania ​and ⁢Germany⁤ have been⁤ most ‌affected by ‌climate-related disasters over ⁣the past⁢ 20 ⁢years. Central and Eastern ⁣European​ countries,‍ however, have ⁢been increasingly​ hit⁢ with ‌climate ‍troubles.

Such‍ developments ⁢put ⁢added pressure​ on⁣ public ⁣spending,⁤ as ‌governments⁢ are called on ⁤to replace damaged ⁢infrastructure ⁢and‌ provide⁣ subsidies and relief. The ⁤analysis notes‍ that ⁢tax revenues⁤ could also shrink when​ climate changes disrupt economic‌ activity.

Economic losses⁤ related to⁢ climate⁣ change ⁢are expected to significantly‌ increase⁤ in⁤ the⁤ future, according to​ estimates from the ‌European⁣ Union, although it noted that⁤ there ⁤is ‍no ​mechanism⁢ in most ‌member ⁣states ⁤to ‍collect and ⁣assess the economic costs.

Analysts at Barclays ‌estimated⁢ that ​the cost‌ of‌ each climate-related disaster⁢ has ‌increased ​nearly ⁤77 ​percent over⁣ the⁢ past half century.

Globally, the losses⁢ will⁣ broaden. ⁢One study published⁢ last year ‌that‌ sought to ⁤measure ​the impact‌ of human-caused ‌heat waves on⁣ global economic growth concluded that the cumulative ‌loss between‍ 1992⁣ and 2013 reached between $5​ trillion and‍ $29.3 ⁤trillion ‌globally.

Poor countries⁢ in hotter‍ climates suffered⁣ the ​most. “Lower incomes make ‌tropical economies ⁢less⁢ able to ⁢adapt to increases ⁢in extreme⁣ heat,” ⁤the study said.

2023-07-18 08:33:10
Post from​ www.nytimes.com

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