Ousmane Sonko of Senegal Faces Charges for Inciting Insurrection

Ousmane Sonko of Senegal Faces Charges for Inciting Insurrection

Senegal’s opposition leader Ousmane Sonko has been charged with plotting an insurrection and other new ⁢offences,​ according to the country’s public prosecutor.

The announcement on Saturday comes⁣ weeks‍ after Sonko, 49, was convicted on a separate charge of immoral behaviour and sentenced to‌ two years in prison in a move that⁤ sparked deadly riots across the country.

The new charges follow the detention of Sonko – who has been serving​ his sentence at home – ​for questioning at a police ‍court‍ in the Senegalese capital, Dakar, on ‌Friday.

He remains in‌ custody.

Abdou Karim Diop, Senegal’s public prosecutor,‌ told reporters the new charges stem from comments Sonko ⁢made and rallies he held as well as other episodes since 2021, including an incident at his ‌home before his arrest on Friday.

In addition to fomenting insurrection, the new charges include undermining state security, acts aimed at jeopardising public security and creating serious political unrest, criminal association with a terrorist body and theft.

Link from www.aljazeera.com rnrn

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