Orange Shirt Day: A Canadian Commemoration of the Meaning and Observance

Orange Shirt Day: A Canadian Commemoration of the Meaning and Observance

Warning: The story below contains details of residential schools that may be upsetting. Canada’s ⁢Indian Residential​ School Survivors and Family Crisis ​Line ​is available 24 hours a day at 1-866-925-4419.

On ‍Saturday, ‍Canada marks ⁢the annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour​ the Indigenous children who were forced to attend so-called residential schools and recognise the⁤ system’s lasting effects on Indigenous communities countrywide.

The event was ⁤established as a federal⁣ holiday​ in 2021. Held each year on September 30, it coincides with an Indigenous-led⁣ initiative known as Orange Shirt Day.

Both aim to commemorate the⁤ more than 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Metis children ⁣who were forced to attend institutions ‍of forced assimilation between the late⁤ 1800s and 1990s.

Run⁤ by churches, but funded by‍ the Canadian government, residential schools were rife with ​physical, mental and sexual abuse, neglect and other⁢ forms of violence. They created a cycle of intergenerational⁣ trauma for Indigenous ‍people across the country.

Here’s all you need to know about​ Orange Shirt Day:

Article from rnrn

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