Next-gen Googles operate with enhanced efficiency

Next-gen Googles operate with enhanced efficiency

Next-generation ‍Googles run a tighter ship

MARK ZUCKERBERG dubbed ⁤2023 as ​Meta’s “year ⁢of ⁣efficiency”, corporate-speak for admitting that his social-media empire was bloated. Since November Meta has cut ⁢21,000 jobs,​ or about a quarter of its workforce. Bosses of its fellow tech titans have also embraced the⁣ efficiency mantra. Alphabet‌ (Google’s ⁣corporate parent), Amazon and Microsoft have​ collectively shed more than 50,000 jobs since October. As big tech reports its earnings this week expect more talk of “re-engineering the cost base”. The bloodletting (in plain English) is not limited to the giants. According​ to, a website that tracks sackings,​ nearly 900 technology companies ⁤around the world have announced total job cuts of​ more than 220,000 in 2023.

The slump has hit younger firms hardest​ of ​all. Rising interest rates make upstarts’ promise of rich ⁤profits far ‍in the future look less juicy in the⁢ here and now. As⁣ a result, venture capitalists are stinting. ⁤Globally, ‍venture-capital investment in the first half of this year was $144bn, less than half of the $293bn raised by startups in the ‌same period in 2022. Companies that do manage to raise funds are seeing their valuations squeezed.⁣ According to Carta, an equity platform⁤ for startups, in the first quarter of 2023 almost a⁣ fifth of all venture deals‍ were “down rounds”, where companies raise capital at a lower valuation than before. The valuation‍ of Stripe, a fintech star, fell from $95bn to $50bn after its latest ​funding round ⁤in March.

That is forcing⁣ aspiring Alphabets and Metas to follow their ‍role models in rethinking some ⁣of the habits acquired during the years of easy money. Efficiency is the talk of Silicon Valley. Companies accustomed to spending with abandon to win market share ⁤are finding themselves in the unfamiliar position of having to trim⁤ fat. And there is plenty of fat to ​trim.

2023-07-25 14:07:21
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