Madam Web” Sequel Scrapped Due to Disappointing Box Office Performance

Madam Web” Sequel Scrapped Due to Disappointing Box Office Performance

Unfortunately,‌ the sequel ‌to “Madame ​Web” ‌has been axed due to disappointing box ‍office numbers.

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Sony Pictures has‌ made the decision to scrap the follow-up ⁢to Madame Web, even before ​the final box office figures‍ are in.

Initially, there⁣ were ⁣plans for Madame Web to ⁤kickstart a franchise, but it seems‍ that Sony Pictures misjudged the level⁤ of interest from audiences. According to THR,⁢ there was a noticeable trend of people canceling their pre-booked tickets⁣ after the film’s release, following negative feedback from both viewers and critics.

After 6 days, the film ⁣has only​ grossed 51.6 million dollars globally, despite​ its Valentine’s Day debut, which is ‌typically a lucrative period for the box‌ office. ⁤With ⁢the project ⁤needing​ to make at least 160-180 million dollars just to break even, it⁣ appears to be an unattainable goal.

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