Live Updates: Teachers in England go on strike while minister remains uncertain about acceptance of pay recommendation

Key events7m agoStarmer reveals further detail of his ‘brief’ conversation with Sue Gray about her working for Labour12m agoStarmer says Labour would give London mayor more money to alleviate impact of Ulez extension on drivers14m agoStarmer backs Ulez extension, saying mayor has no alternative – but says London needs more money to help those affected19m agoKeir Starmer holds LBC phone-inFilters BETAKey events (4)Keir Starmer (7)1m ago04.22 EDT

Q: Do you support a 6.5% pay rise recommendation for teachers?

Starmer says we have not seen the actual recommendation.

He says the government should publish that.

But he says he cannot commit to accepting that now.

Q: So you would honour it?

Starmer says he would look at it. He cannot say now what a Labour government would do in a year or two.

But these issues only get resolved by negotiation, he says.

He says that is why he would order his education secretary to keep negotiating.

4m ago04.20 EDT

Starmer says the Rwanda policy is the wrong policy.

4m ago04.19 EDT

The next caller asks if Starmer backs Tony Blair’s suggestion that there should be further co-payment in the NHS.

Starmer says he feels very strongly about this. He is committed to the NHS being free at the point of use.

Q: Tony Blair said brave political leadership was needed to save the NHS.

Starmer says he thinks Blair’s comments have been misunderstood.

7m ago04.16 EDTStarmer reveals further detail of his ‘brief’ conversation with Sue Gray about her working for Labour

Starmer is now being asked about his talks with Sue Gray.

He says he spoke to Sue Gray in October last year.

In that call, he asked her, if he were to leave the civil service, would she be interested in working for him.

It was a brief conversation, he says. He says they left it at that.

The only other conversation came when the news that she might join Labour was leaked. At that point he called her to check she was okay, he says. That was just before she resigned, he says.

He says he was not able to talk about this in detail previously because he was asked by the advisory committee on business appointments not to discuss this.

12m ago04.12 EDTStarmer says Labour would give London mayor more money to alleviate impact of Ulez extension on drivers

Starmer says Labour would make more money available to help London alleviate the impact of the Ulez extension on drivers.

Q: So why can’t Sadiq Khan delay it until that help is available?

Starmer says Khan is under a legal obligation.

He is facing legal action over going ahead with it, but he would face legal action if he did not, he says.

14m ago04.10 EDTStarmer backs Ulez extension, saying mayor has no alternative – but says London needs more money to help those affected

The first caller asks about the extension of Ulez. He says it will decimate people’s lives. Sadiq Khan is “chilling” London, he says. He says he won’t vote Labour because of the policy, and he suggests the Ulez extension policy will cost Labour the election.

Starmer says he…

2023-07-07 03:10:01
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