Lidia Thorpe Vows to Reveal ‘Hard Truths’ in Live Australian News Event; Prime Minister Faces Housing Pressure Ahead of National Cabinet

From ⁢40m agoKey events45m agoTargets set to end gender-based violence in ‌Australia1h agoAlbanese under pressure over housing before national cabinet2h agoAustralia to sign climate deal with California2h agoWelcomeFilters BETAKey events⁣ (4)Australia (6)ABC RN (6)Chris Bowen (4)Lidia ​Thorpe (4)Greens (3)7m ago18.41 EDT

Yesterday, climate change ⁤minister Chris Bowen announced two rounds​ of consultation over‍ whether⁤ Australia should follow the EU and impose green‍ tariffs to avoid‌ disadvantaging domestic‍ companies.

Steel‌ and ‍cement would​ be the first two products to be considered.

My colleague Peter Hannam has all the details:

Australia ⁣may‌ impose carbon tariffs on⁣ steel and ‍cement imports​ from ⁣countries with lower climate goalsRead more

Speaking to ABC RN⁢ this morning, Bowen said:

Now that we have ​an ‌industrial emissions reduction policy through the safeguard reforms, ‌everybody sensible would agree it makes no sense to⁣ see ‌carbon‍ leakage.

He said it will be a complicated process that⁣ too the EU about six years to pull together.

I don’t want ⁣it to take that long, but it will take serious consultation.‌ I’ve ⁢said that‍ that consultation will occur in two rounds in terms of⁢ design and principles​ and that will report⁢ to ⁢government⁤ next year.

I’ve ⁤had ‌a lot of conversations with ⁤steel and cement​ and ⁢aluminium industries about this for⁤ example. ⁢It’s ‍very, ‍very important.

Bowen couldn’t‌ say when we ⁢could expect to see the tariffs actually implemented:

That ⁢will in part depend on the consultations… [but] when they’re ready.

13m⁣ ago18.34 EDT

Labor playing catch-up on renewable energy targets, Bowen says

When ⁣asked about claims‌ that Australia is behind on its renewable​ targets, climate change minister Chris Bowen told ABC RN that Labor ⁢is playing catch-up:

We had 10 years of​ a​ government denying the ⁤problem, delaying, and ⁤we’re starting in ​2022, which ⁤is not a great time to catch‌ up [on targets] but it’s the ​best time ⁣available to us.

… It’s pretty fashionable in the column inches of a ⁣couple of newspapers ⁤in Australia ‌at the moment to ‌say our targets are too ​ambitious, that we won’t get ⁤to 82% renewables and ‌therefore won’t get to 43% reductions. I​ don’t agree with that.

It is ambitious, but it’s also achievable [and] we have a good⁣ deal of work to ⁤do⁢ … that work is proceeding at ‍a very rapid pace, but ‌yes,⁤ we do have an enormous amount of catching⁣ up.

Updated at 18.36 EDT19m ago18.28 EDT

Chris Bowen provides​ more details on climate change deal‌ with California

As ‍my colleague Daniel Hurst reported this⁢ morning, Australia will today ⁤sign a deal with California and pledge‍ to collaborate ‍on “fighting climate change‌ and protecting biodiversity”.

Climate change minister Chris Bowen⁤ appeared‍ on ABC RN this morning to provide more details on⁣ the deal. He said it arose out of ​a meeting he‌ had with California governor⁣ Gavin Newsom last year:

California and Australia actually share a lot in common.

They​ have about half of their…

2023-08-15 17:34:14
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