Labour dominates Tories in Selby and Ainsty byelection, but falls short in Uxbridge

The ⁢Labour party has achieved ⁣its largest ‍ever byelection victory by ⁣overturning a 20,000-vote ⁣Conservative‌ majority in ​Selby​ and Ainsty, ‌while the Liberal Democrats​ have also unseated‍ the Tories in the ​previously ‍safe‍ seat ⁢of Somerton and Frome.

However, ⁢the Conservatives managed⁣ to hold⁤ on to the Uxbridge ⁣and‌ South Ruislip seat, ‍previously held by‌ Boris Johnson, by‌ fending off ⁤a ⁣predicted Labour win ⁣by⁢ just⁤ 495 ‌votes.

While ⁣Rishi Sunak, during a‍ visit to Uxbridge on Friday morning, ‌stated‌ that‌ the ⁣results indicated that ⁣a Labour victory in the general ⁣election ‍was‌ not “a done deal,” pollsters emphasized⁢ that the overall swing away from the Conservatives was ⁣a clear⁢ message from voters.

The new MP for Selby ​is‍ 25-year-old Keir Mather, a former ‍researcher for⁢ the ​shadow health secretary, ​Wes Streeting, ‍who​ won by 4,161 ‌votes, representing ⁣a massive⁤ 23.7 percentage⁣ point swing from ⁣the Conservatives.

Nigel​ Adams, a Johnson ⁢ally ‍who ⁤resigned⁣ as a Tory⁣ MP in June, ⁢previously held⁣ the seat‍ with​ a⁣ majority ⁣of over⁤ 20,000 ⁤votes.

Selby ‍and ‍Ainsty ⁣byelection result

Mather, 25, will ⁤become the⁤ youngest MP in the Commons.​ In​ his victory speech, he‌ stated that‌ “thousands of​ votes ‌were in⁤ Labour’s⁢ box ‌for⁣ the first time” and ⁢declared:⁣ “In ⁢this ⁣campaign we have‍ rewritten‍ the rules on where Labour‌ can‍ win.”

The‌ Liberal Democrats⁣ achieved ‍a resounding ‍victory in ‌Somerton and Frome, in a​ contest ⁣triggered ‍by⁣ the resignation of scandal-hit David Warburton. ⁢Sarah ​Dyke, the cabinet member for the⁣ environment on South ‍Somerset ⁢district ‌council, ⁤won with a⁤ majority‍ of 11,008 votes over the Conservatives.

The Green party‌ came in ⁤a ​distant⁣ third⁣ in ⁤all ‍three byelections.

Greg Hands, the⁣ Conservative chair, stated ⁢on BBC Radio 4’s⁤ Today ‍programme ​that the results ⁢did ⁢not⁢ necessarily​ spell doom​ for⁣ his ⁣party, given⁢ the historical‌ trend of ‌incumbent governments being punished ‌in byelections, pointing‍ to the⁢ narrow win in ⁣Uxbridge.

“We’re ⁢obviously​ going⁤ to ​listen to people, we’re ‌going to look ⁤at ‍some of the reasons ⁣why,”⁣ he said. ⁢”But ‍equally, ⁤byelections ‌are not always a‍ good predictor of ⁤general‌ elections.”

However, polling expert ProfSir John ​Curtice, speaking on the same⁢ programme, argued that Hands‌ was ⁣being unrealistic, and that the results indicated that ⁢the ⁤Conservatives ⁣were “in as deep an electoral ⁣hole ‍as polling suggests.”

02:06UK byelections: Labour wins Selby ​and Ainsty but fails ⁤to take⁢ Boris Johnson’s‍ former seat – video

Joining the⁢ victorious Tory candidate, ‍Steve Tuckwell,‌ at a cafe⁢ in⁣ Uxbridge, Sunak said: ⁢”Westminster’s been ⁢acting‍ like the next election is a done deal. The Labour party has ⁣been acting⁢ like it’s ‍a done⁣ deal. ⁢The people of Uxbridge just told all ⁤of them⁤ that ⁢it’s not.”

Labour’s⁢ delight was⁢ notably‍ tempered⁤ by its failure to​ take Uxbridge, ‍with some in​ the ⁤party blaming the⁣ decision of the ⁤London mayor, ⁤Sadiq ‌Khan, to ⁣extend ⁤the⁤ ultra-low emission‍ zone​ (Ulez) anti-pollution⁤ scheme‍ to ​outer areas​ of the city, ⁢including ‌Uxbridge, the ‌key Tory campaign in the…

2023-07-21 ‍03:46:59
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