Kevin McCarthy’s Job at Stake as He Prevents Government Shutdown

Kevin McCarthy’s Job at Stake as He Prevents Government Shutdown

By averting a⁣ government shutdown, Kevin McCarthy risks his job

AMERICA’S ‌CONGRESS stunned the world on September 30th⁤ by doing ⁤its job: passing a last-minute bill to avert a shutdown of the federal​ government⁢ that had seemed certain. ‌However, ‌the stopgap legislation came at the ‍expense of extending American support for Ukraine, and may prompt further acrimony. Kevin McCarthy, the Republican⁢ speaker⁤ of ⁤the House⁣ of Representatives, is facing a challenge to his authority from⁢ his own party.

For weeks Mr‍ McCarthy ‍had tried to ⁢placate hardliners in his camp pushing for steep​ spending cuts and other conservative policies, such as ‌stricter border enforcement,⁤ that had no chance of becoming law ⁣with ⁢Joe⁢ Biden ‍in the White House. Yet with just hours to spare before a shutdown, he called up a ⁤bill that tossed aside‌ the priorities of the far right and relied on Democratic votes to pass the‍ legislation, which Mr Biden ⁣signed minutes ⁤before the midnight deadline. Indeed, more Democrats than ‍Republicans supported the‌ bill.

Although a shutdown had appeared inevitable all ​week, it was also inevitable that Mr McCarthy would⁣ have to rely on Democrats if he wanted to keep the government open. Republicans have such a slim majority in the House—221 to ⁣212—that the party’s nihilists in effect have ‍a veto over any Republican-only legislation. The surprise was⁣ that Mr McCarthy, who has been in senior House⁢ roles during three shutdowns, chose compromise over closure.

2023-10-01 12:44:06
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