It is with regret that I inform you that the time has come to feel sorrowful once more about Titanfall 3.

It is with regret that I inform you that the time has come to feel sorrowful once more about Titanfall 3.

The last time we wrote about Titanfall 3 on this website was April 2023, which really, isn’t that long ago. So it pains me to say that, only a few months later, it is again time to talk about Titanfall 3. Specifically, a designer’s recounting of how the game was actually months into development before being shelved.

If the last time hurt because it was about the potential for a future game, this one hurts even more because it’s about a game that could have been. In an interview with The Burnettwork (via Insider Gaming), veteran designer Mohammad Alavi—who only recently left Respawn after spending over a decade there—recounts what was going on at the studio in the days following Titanfall 2’s release:

Alavi also says the multiplayer team were having trouble, since the game’s sensations as they stood were “just too much”, that everything was “cranked up to 11″ and players would “burn out a bit fast”. But ultimately, he recounts that what really killed off Titanfall 3 was the fact that—having been influenced by the release of PUBG, and seeing huge internal success porting Titanfall’s mechanics to a Battle Royale map—what the team were planning to add to the series started sounding better as its own game:

2023-06-29 04:30:03 I Regret To Inform You It Is Once Again Time To Get Sad About Titanfall 3
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