Israel’s Turmoil Intensifies as Netanyahu Receives Heart Pacemaker

Israel’s Turmoil Intensifies as Netanyahu Receives Heart Pacemaker

Prime​ Minister⁤ Benjamin ⁤Netanyahu of ‌Israel ‍was rushed to​ the⁣ hospital​ early ⁣Sunday for surgery to ‍implant ​a pacemaker,‌ casting ⁤new⁤ uncertainty over his government’s​ deeply⁢ contentious‌ plan to pass ⁤a law ​on Monday to⁢ limit​ judicial power.

Doctors at ‍the ⁣Sheba‍ Medical⁢ Center, east⁣ of⁣ Tel​ Aviv, said ⁢on ⁢Sunday​ morning⁤ that ⁣the ‍unexpected procedure ⁤had ​been‌ successful ‌and⁤ that ​“the⁣ prime⁣ minister​ is‌ doing very well.” But Mr. ‍Netanyahu ‌was⁢ expected‍ to remain hospitalized until‌ at⁤ least Monday, a ‍spokesman ​for​ the hospital said.

Pacemakers ‌are⁢ usually inserted‌ into‌ the chest⁣ area⁤ through ⁤a small incision ‍and ‌are designed‍ to⁢ regulate ⁢a person’s⁢ heartbeat and⁢ prevent⁤ problems‌ that ​could end in cardiac arrest. Small ‌pacemakers⁢ can also be​ fitted without‍ a ​chest ‌incision and ⁣with ⁢a‍ minimally‌ invasive‌ procedure.

The government’s ‍weekly ⁢cabinet meeting,⁣ originally⁢ scheduled⁤ for ‍Sunday⁢ morning, was postponed until Monday, ‍and it ‍was ⁣unclear whether a vote ⁣in⁢ Parliament over‌ the ⁤judicial ⁢overhaul would‌ proceed on Monday​ as ⁤planned.

Mr. ​Netanyahu’s ‍surgery ​came amid‍ what ⁢many‍ consider to ‌be ⁤Israel’s‌ gravest domestic ⁣crisis ⁤since its ⁣founding ‍75 years ago.

The‌ prime minister was hospitalized ‍hours after​ an ‍unusual​ surge in street protests, ​threats ⁣of ⁤labor​ strikes and ​warnings from ⁤thousands of ​military reservists ⁤that ⁢they would refuse ⁤to volunteer​ for⁣ military duty⁣ if the⁤ judicial overhaul ‌goes‌ ahead.⁤ Nevertheless, Mr.​ Netanyahu’s‌ government appeared ​determined‌ to ​press on with⁤ the plan‌ on Sunday, ​even‌ after ⁤his‍ hospitalization.

On ​Sunday​ morning, Parliament began‌ a ​debate ahead of‌ a ⁣final‌ vote on ⁤a ⁣bill that would prevent the ‌Supreme ⁣Court ‍from⁤ using the grounds ‌of​ reasonableness​ to strike⁤ down ‌government decisions or ‌appointments. ⁢The debate was expected‌ to ⁢last 26⁣ hours.

Before ⁤the ‌debate began,‌ thousands of people gathered at ⁢the​ Western Wall, ⁣a Jewish‌ holy ⁢site​ in Jerusalem’s Old ⁣City, ​and ‌held a ‍mass prayer for⁤ national ⁢unity while ‍public figures ⁢made‌ last-ditch ⁢efforts to persuade the government ​to reach ‍some consensus ⁤over‌ the⁣ bill ​with the ​opposition.

But⁣ the⁢ political fissure⁤ only ‍deepened as ⁢Mr. ‌Netanyahu’s ⁤allies ‍declared ⁣that ⁤the legislation would​ be passed with or​ without agreement. ‌And ⁤more large street‍ protests — ⁢both for ⁣and against ⁤the judicial ​overhaul — ‍were⁢ planned later⁤ in the day.

The ​turmoil⁢ has heaped pressure⁤ on Mr.⁢ Netanyahu. A⁣ group of former ​army chiefs,⁤ police ⁢commissioners and ⁤intelligence agency ‍directors accused him‍ on Saturday​ night of dividing the country and endangering its‌ security ⁣by advancing the ⁣judicial‌ overhaul plan.

Mr.‌ Netanyahu’s government‌ wants⁤ to​ limit the ways ​in⁤ which​ the⁢ Supreme Court⁤ can overrule government‍ decisions. ‌The ⁢prime⁢ minister ⁣has said ‍the plan would improve‌ democracy‍ by⁣ giving elected lawmakers greater autonomy ‍from‌ unelected judges.

But‍ opponents‌ say it⁢ will remove a key ‌check on ​government ‍overreach⁤ in​ a country that lacks⁤ a formal ‍constitution and allow ‍Mr. Netanyahu’s…

2023-07-23‍ 07:29:25
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