Israel’s Prime Minister Calls on Elon Musk to Take Action Against Antisemitism on His Platform, X

Israel’s Prime Minister Calls on Elon Musk to Take Action Against Antisemitism on His Platform, X

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, urged Elon Musk to address the‍ proliferation of antisemitism on the billionaire’s ​social media platform X.

In an in-person meeting in California on Monday, Netanyahu said he hoped Musk would⁤ find ways within the confines of⁣ the‌ first amendment to clamp down on antisemitism and other forms of‍ hatred on X, the‍ platform formerly​ known as Twitter.

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Monday’s meeting was ⁢billed by the Israeli leader as a conversation about technology⁢ and AI that would include how leaders⁤ should ‍both “harness the opportunities that⁤ mitigate the risks of AI for the good of civilization”.

But the discussion quickly turned to free speech and antisemitism.

Since Musk took over Twitter in October 2022, the platform​ has repeatedly been called out​ for the spread‌ of antisemitic content among users. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the prominent Jewish civil-rights organization, has blamed Musk for allowing the distribution of such posts and the group’s director,‍ Jonathan⁤ Greenblatt, has accused Musk‌ of “amplifying” the messages ⁣of neo-Nazis and white supremacists who want to ban the league.

Musk ​has said on X that he is “pro-free speech, but against antisemitism of any kind”. But he has threatened to sue ADL for defamation, accusing the group of⁢ trying to “kill” ‌the platform by “falsely accusing it and me of being antisemitic”. In other ⁤posts, he has said the league was responsible for a 60% drop in revenue at⁣ X.

Musk has also repeatedly posted or amplified posts ⁤targeting George Soros, the Hungarian-American businessman and philanthropist, and his organization. ⁣Soros is a ‌regular target for conspiracy theories. Under⁣ Netanyahu,​ the⁣ Israeli government has been critical of Soros and his organization and has defended Musk’s criticism of the billionaire. “Criticism of Soros – who finances the most‍ hostile organizations to the Jewish people and the state of Israel is anything but antisemitism, quite the opposite!” Israel’s‌ minister of diaspora​ affairs, Amichai Chikli, said in​ May,⁣ the Washington Post reported.

Responding to Netanyahu’s concerns about antsemitism on⁤ X on Monday, Musk told the Israeli prime minister⁣ that with 100m to 200m ​posts on X in a day, “some of those are gonna⁢ be bad”. He then reiterated the platform’s policy to not promote or amplify hate speech.

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Since taking over the social media platform⁤ nearly a year ago, Musk has cut back on content moderation practices and ⁤changed policies to typically no longer remove objectionable ⁣posts, but instead their ⁤visibility is limited so people ​have to seek it out if they want to see it. Musk calls this “freedom of speech, not freedom of reach”.

“I encourage you and urge​ you to find the balance,” Netanyahu said. “It’s a tough one.”

2023-09-18 ​15:36:57
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