Israel Evacuates North as Gaza Reaches Breaking Point

Israel Evacuates North as Gaza Reaches Breaking Point

Ramallah, occupied West Bank – Hundreds ⁢of thousands of Palestinians in ⁢the besieged Gaza Strip are facing a “real catastrophe”, United Nations officials warn, as Israel’s heaviest ⁤bombardment of the occupied enclave rages on for the 11th consecutive day.

In a report on Tuesday, ⁢the UN said the Israeli army⁣ continued pounding southern areas despite previously telling residents to move south ahead of a looming​ offensive by land, air and sea⁢ on the tiny coastal strip of land.

It also⁣ stressed ‌that “water ⁣remains a​ key issue as people will ‌start⁣ dying without water”, a warning that came hours after the World Health Organization said there are only “24⁤ hours of water, electricity and ⁣fuel left”‌ in Gaza.

Residents of the besieged Strip, home to​ more⁢ than two million Palestinians, have already been ​severely struggling with little to no water to drink, shower or do laundry. They‍ are ‌also facing grave shortages of basic supplies⁣ including baby formula and⁢ flour,‍ with all‌ supermarkets out​ of stock.

“Concerns over dehydration⁢ and waterborne diseases are high given the collapse of water and sanitation services, including⁢ today’s‍ shutdown ⁢of Gaza’s last functioning seawater⁤ desalination‍ plant,” the UN agency for Palestinian ‍refugees said in Tuesday’s ‌report. “Fuel reserves at all hospitals ⁤across Gaza are expected to last for an additional 24 hours only. The shutdown of backup‌ generators ‌would place the lives of thousands of patients at ⁤serious risk.”

More than 2,800 people, including at least 1,000 children, ⁤have‍ been ​killed in Israel’s bombing campaign ⁣since October ​7, according to Palestinian officials. Some⁢ 10,000⁤ others have been ⁤wounded, with many remaining buried under the ⁣rubble.

Source ⁤from rnrn

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