Is It Possible to Have Romantic Relationships with Multiple Crewmates in Starfield?

Is It Possible to Have Romantic Relationships with Multiple Crewmates in Starfield?

Romance is ‍an intriguing aspect of developing relationships with Starfield‘s crewmates. However, attempting to flirt with multiple characters can be quite⁢ challenging. In a vast RPG centered around interplanetary exploration, finding a romantic partner may not‍ seem like the highest priority. Nevertheless, the risk of damaging a ‌budding⁤ courtship with one crewmate due to involvement with another can⁤ make it wise to adopt a ‍”better safe​ than sorry” ⁢approach.

Starfield features ​four core crewmates with romance options: ⁣Sam Coe, Sarah Morgan, Barrett, ‍and Andreja. Each of these companions is recruited ⁣through ⁤a different mission and possesses well-developed‌ personalities and storylines that​ surpass many of the⁢ minor NPCs, such‍ as ⁢the Oblivion throwback, The Adoring Fan. ‍Similar to previous Bethesda games, crewmates with sufficient affinity act as followers, accompanying the player on missions and providing assistance in combat. While⁢ there are other options available, Sam, Sarah, Barrett, and ⁤Andreja ⁣are⁢ the central​ figures ​and the only ones who can be genuinely ‍pursued romantically.

Developing romances in Starfield primarily involves selecting the [Flirt] option ‍that occasionally appears in dialogue. Although this is not the sole factor influencing crewmate approval, it is a crucial step in advancing more intimate‍ relationships. It is possible to flirt with multiple crewmates without ⁤damaging relationships, making it easier to establish a⁣ foundation. This approach can be‍ effective throughout the​ game, as Starfield crewmates typically do not rush ‍into relationships without ⁢a⁢ gradual build-up.

However, ⁣flirting ‍can only take a relationship so far, and beyond​ that point, pursuing ‍multiple romances with Starfield companions becomes problematic. Gaining favor and ‍flirting​ with a crewmate ​can eventually lead ​to them offering the protagonist a special mission that unlocks romance options. Furthermore, there is an ultimate quest that allows the player ⁣to formally marry a Starfield crewmate. In these later‍ stages‌ of romance, characters will not tolerate attempts at two-timing, although it is possible to end a relationship and pursue ⁢another without resorting to deceitful methods. Multiple relationships can be pursued ⁣in a single⁤ playthrough, but ‌only by ending previous relationships ⁤first.

Related: How to Romance Sarah Morgan in Starfield

2023-09-06 07:00:05
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