iOS devices now have the option to use passkey login on TikTok

iOS devices now have the option to use passkey login on TikTok

The ‌list ‌of third-party apps that ⁤support⁤ passkey login on⁤ the iPhone ​has ⁢grown‌ by one, ‍thanks to ⁢TikTok. Users ‍of⁣ the popular​ video-sharing service ‍will ⁢now ​have the⁤ option to ⁢sign in‌ with ⁢their passkey​ associated ⁣with their⁢ Apple ‍ID, ⁣which means they ‌can easily ⁢get‌ into‌ their account using ​Face or⁣ Touch⁢ ID.⁢ Passkeys are⁤ considered ⁤a safer ‌option⁢ than ‍password logins,⁢ since‍ they’re ‌comprised of‍ a cryptographic ⁣key​ pair.

One ⁢of ‌the keys⁤ is ⁢a⁢ public ⁤key ‌that’s ‌associated​ with ‍the​ website ‌or service, while⁢ the⁣ other ‍is ‍a private ‍key ⁤stored ⁢only ⁣in the user’s device. Services⁢ and apps ‌like ‍TikTok don’t ​have ‍access to ⁣that ⁣private key, ⁢and⁢ users ‍can’t‍ copy⁢ it down or‍ give⁢ it out, ​making‍ passkeys ⁤resistant ‌to‍ data breaches ​and social ⁣engineering by bad ‌actors.⁢ iOS devices ‌authenticate users’​ identity‍ for⁤ logins⁢ using‌ their biometric data before⁢ matching their private key ⁤with ⁤a ‌service’s public ⁤one.

To ⁤be able to use ‍passkeys⁤ on ‌TikTok⁢ for iPhones and iPads, ‍their device‍ must be running…

2023-07-18⁤ 00:32:12
Article from‍⁣ rnrn

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