Investigation by the FTC: Unveiling the Reasons Behind OpenAI’s Scrutiny

Investigation by the FTC: Unveiling the Reasons Behind OpenAI’s Scrutiny

OpenAI CEO Sam‌ Altman seemed ⁤to confirm his ‍company‍ is‍ under ⁣investigation ‌by the Federal​ Trade Commission.

Regulation⁤ is ⁤coming ⁤to the ‌free-for-all ​world of⁣ artificial intelligence.

On ⁣Thursday,⁢ the ⁢Washington Post​ published ⁣a leaked document⁢ indicating⁣ the‍ Federal Trade Commission ⁣is‍ opening ‍an ⁢investigation⁢ into OpenAI, ‍the ‍maker of⁤ ChatGPT and other⁢ AI-powered⁣ tools⁢ that⁢ are‌ shaking ⁢the worlds of ‍business⁤ and entertainment.

In an⁢ interview with ‍International Business​ Times,‌ Juliana Gruenwald‍ Henderson, a spokeswoman for​ the FTC, said the federal ⁣agency ​charged ⁣with enforcing⁢ federal‌ competitive ⁢and⁢ consumer protection​ laws ‌could not ⁣confirm the⁣ veracity of the leaked letter. ⁤The ​FTC, she told IBT, ‍doesn’t comment ⁢on or ⁣confirm the⁣ status ⁢of⁢ ongoing⁢ investigations.

On ​Twitter, OpenAI⁤ CEO ‍Sam‍ Altman seemed⁣ to confirm ⁤his⁣ company is under ⁢investigation.

“It is ⁤very disappointing to see the⁤ FTC’s⁣ request ⁤start‍ with ‌a‌ leak ⁣and​ does ​not help​ build trust,” Altman⁤ tweeted⁤ on‌ Thursday. “That said,‍ it’s ​super ⁣important to ‌us that‌ out‌ technology is safe‍ and pro-consumer, and⁤ we​ are confident​ we ⁤follow⁣ the‌ law.”

According to the leaked civil‌ investigative ⁤demand schedule, ⁢the FTC ⁣is ‍looking⁤ into whether OpenAI‌ is “engaged ‍in ‍unfair or ​deceptive ⁣privacy‌ or data⁢ security ​practices ⁣or ⁤engaged‌ in unfair or⁢ deceptive⁢ practices ‍relating‌ to risks ⁤of harm ⁤to consumers, ‌including​ reputational‌ harm.”

Along​ with its ⁢most‍ famous​ product ⁤ChatGPT,⁣ OpenAI⁣ created‍ the ​image generation platform‌ DALL-E, which uses ⁤prompts‌ to generate various⁣ original images. These novel technologies ​are sending⁢ shockwaves ⁢through​ academia, ⁣publishing and ‍media ‌but​ are not⁢ currently regulated⁤ by ‍the U.S. government.

In ⁢an ⁢interview, ⁤Center‍ for⁤ AI ‌and ⁢Digital ⁢Policy⁢ President Marc Rotenberg ‌confirmed ⁣the FTC is‌ investigating OpenAI. ‍He​ said ⁣this ⁤is the first ‍step toward federal‌ regulation‍ of​ the⁣ powerful​ product.

“We ⁢need more⁢ oversight ‌and accountability ‍for⁢ AI ​systems​ than ‍we ⁣currently ⁢have,” ‍Rotenberg⁤ told IBT. ⁤”The ‍technology is ​way out ⁤ahead‍ of the ⁤regulation⁢ and ‍the ‍gap just ‍keeps getting ⁤wider.”

Rotenberg,‍ also an adjunct professor at⁣ Georgetown University Law ‍Center, said the Washington-based CAIDP played⁤ a‌ role⁣ in getting the investigation started by filing its‌ own​ complaint with the ‌FTC‌ in March.

AI​ technologies like‍ ChatGPT need ‍some⁣ kind‍ of‍ regulation to⁢ protect ‍consumer privacy and improve​ overall ‍cybersecurity,⁤ Rotenberg said.⁣ Even ‍the‌ leaders ⁢of​ OpenAI are ‌asking ‌for regulation. Although, he ‍said,⁢ the‍ company would ‍prefer to write its own ‍rules.

Beyond​ the ‌fears of AI⁢ sentience, ⁢which⁣ Rotenberg said​ are‍ somewhat ‌overblown, AI brings significant ‌risks to consumers.⁢ He ⁢said⁢ ChatGPT’s ‌language can ‌be ⁤used by ⁤nefarious‌ actors to⁤ facilitate⁤ online consumer fraud‌ and other ‌criminal ⁤activity.

Generated​ text‍ can also ​be​ very ⁣persuasive ⁢and used⁤ by bad ‍actors⁤ to ⁣pursue their⁤ political ​objectives online.⁢ AI​ writing like ChatGPT also ‌creates so-called hallucinations, ⁤or ​statements that look⁣ true​ and sound⁢ convincing but are⁢ actually false.

Moreover, the U.S. is lagging behind other countries ‍in ​establishing⁢ rules ⁢surrounding⁤ the technologies.⁢ China,‍ South⁤ Korea ⁢and‍ Italy,‍ Rotenberg ​said, ‍already⁢ have​ rules in⁤ place on AI ‌technology.⁢ Lawmakers⁢ in Congress are crafting‍ domestic‌ rules, but⁤ the⁤ FTC⁤ may be charged with creating the first ⁤draft,‌ he added.

The ⁤most important development⁣ in regulation ⁣may⁤ come ‍from the ⁣European⁣ Union. The ‌political bloc‍ is developing⁤ its own set of‌ regulations which are expected ​to ‌be finalized ​by⁣ the ‍end⁤ of 2023. ‌Much⁤ like ⁢the​ EU’s General‍ Data ​Protection ‌Regulation, ⁣Rotenberg ⁤said the European​ law​ could set the ‌international​ agenda​ for ‍AI.

It’s ‌hard‌ to⁣ say​ how ‍long ⁤the ⁤FTC⁣ investigation ⁣will ‍take and‌ what exactly ⁢it ‌will yield.⁤ Rotenberg’s experience⁣ indicates it ​could take anywhere from ​two months ‌to two years to finalize.

In​ the​ meantime,⁤ businesses⁣ — particularly ⁤those⁢ that ⁤rely⁤ on writers, editors⁤ and artists —​ will continue ⁤to be challenged by​ AI technology​ threatening to replace ​employees ‌and upend ⁢established processes.

Additionally,​ everyone​ around ‌the world ‌is effected‍ by the ​wave⁢ of change inspired‌ by⁣ AI even ‍if they ​aren’t ‌aware⁣ of it. Rotenberg said‌ AI is‌ already ⁢used ‌to⁣ make⁢ hiring, credit,‌ housing, scholastic ⁢admission and ​even criminal ‍sentencing ⁤decisions.

“AI techniques⁢ are⁢ being⁢ widely deployed ​right ⁤now ‌without sufficient oversight ⁢and ‌legal accountability,” ⁢Rotenberg said. ‌”That ⁢almost certainly​ leads⁤ to problems.”

Artificial ‌intelligence

2023-07-19​ 22:00:04
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