Introducing Your Hidden Android Shortcut Genie

Introducing Your Hidden Android Shortcut Genie

The beauty of Android is that there’s never a shortage⁣ of creative and compelling apps that completely‌ change the way you interact with your⁤ phone. That’s something (cough, cough) certain‍ other operating systems absolutely don’t allow at the same level.

The problem, though, ​is that that same benefit can sometimes create an overwhelming deluge of appealing possibilities. If you pay enough attention to this stuff (or, y’know, read a delightful column and/or ‌newsletter written by‌ a charmingly nerdy wordsmith who shares such treasures with you), you run the risk of ending up ⁣with so many interface-enhancing apps that you never actually get in the habit of using any ⁤of ’em.

Believe me: This overabundance of riches is a good‍ kind of problem⁢ to have. But still,⁢ it makes‌ you especially sensitive to the value of a really exceptional Android ⁣app that’s not only admirable for what it’s able to accomplish but also something ⁤you’re likely to use regularly, with little ⁤thought, effort, or fiddling required.

Today, my fellow fiddle-foundering flounder,⁣ I’ve got just‌ that type of tool to share with ye. It’s a brilliantly​ simple app that takes advantage of an otherwise underused area of your phone’s surface and turns it into an on-demand shortcut​ mecca.

And unlike most other tools for similar sorts of purposes,​ it’s incredibly easy⁤ to set up, use, and get yourself in‍ the habit of ​relying on.

[Psst: Love shortcuts? My free Android Shortcut Supercourse will teach you tons of time-saving tricks for your phone. Sign up now to get your first lesson!]

Let me explain.

Meet your Android efficiency genie

The ‌tool at the center of this relevation‍ is a relatively new ⁢Android app called,‍ rather tantalizingly, Touch the Notch. (Oh, yes.)

The⁤ idea behind it is that most of us now have ⁢phones with some manner of‍ notch — a cutout or bar ‍of⁤ some ⁤sort in the screen where the front-facing camera resides. And when you ‍really stop and think about it, that darkened little nubbin​ serves no practical purpose, in terms of ongoing value or interaction.

So rather than simply training ⁢yourself to look past ​that eyesore, Touch the ‌Notch turns⁤ it ⁢into something genuinely useful. It lets you configure a series of custom actions that come up when you caress that comely‌ notch of yours in various ways‍ — tapping it, long-pressing it,⁤ swiping it, ⁤or maybe even tickling it gently. (Disclaimer: Tickling ‌will not actually accomplish anything but may⁣ make your phone titter.)

And‌ the available actions include some ⁢seriously powerful things. You can⁣ set any manner ⁣of notch fondling to accomplish feats like:

Opening a specific app
Opening a custom ‌menu of apps
Toggling your phone’s flashlight
Capturing a screenshot
Toggling do-not-disturb mode
Controlling audio‌ playback
Adjusting your screen’s brightness
Turning your​ screen off

And again, any of those things happen simply⁤ as a​ result‍ of your tapping your favorite fingie to that otherwise useless camera cutout at the top of…

2023-08-17 06:48:02
Post‌ from⁣ rnrn

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