Increasing World Tour Master Bond Levels: The Best Gifts in Street Fighter 6

Increasing World Tour Master Bond Levels: The Best Gifts in Street Fighter 6

World Tour mode in Street Fighter 6 is an exciting new additional feature to the classic game series. Players will explore the globe as their own customizable fighters, learning from the game’s different playable characters, also known as Masters in this mode. In order to learn everything possible from each Master, the bond level with each will need to be maxed out.

There are a couple of ways to grind this during World Tour Mode in Street Fighter 6, such as winning matches against them or using their moves in other fights, but both of these methods are tedious and can be time-consuming. With enough money, players can purchase each Master’s respective preferred gift which will also build their bond level.

Gifts can also sometimes be obtained through completing some missions and quests during normal gameplay. Players should focus on building their bond first with the Master whose skill set is most desirable to them, then work on attaining the rest later during their Street Fighter 6 playthrough, should they choose to do so.

2023-06-05 13:30:03
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