How a Single Starfield Feature Can Prevent Constant Encumbrance

How a Single Starfield Feature Can Prevent Constant Encumbrance

Starfield ‌makes it ‌all too easy to become encumbered, but there’s a simple way to avoid that. There’s a​ ton of loot in Starfield, and hoarding is a​ constant problem. Whether they’re taking it from the⁣ recently deceased, swiping it stealthily from enemy ‍outposts, or just gathering it from the ground, the player⁢ character will‌ constantly find themselves picking up junk. Much of it is better off sold. However, plenty of it​ is also ⁣worth keeping, and therein lies the problem.

Like many⁤ Bethesda ⁣RPGs before ⁣it, Starfield has a system that ​tracks the overall weight of ⁤the player character’s inventory and, if it exceeds a certain limit, ⁣bestows them with the Encumbered status ⁣effect. This causes running to drain their oxygen supply ‌quickly, and‌ also prevents ‍them from fast traveling to another system to palm‌ off their haul. Carrying capacity can be increased by gaining points in the Weight Lifting ⁢skill, ​but⁢ that’s only a temporary solution. ⁣Loot will continue to build up, and may eventually ‍exceed the weight limit again. Thankfully, there’s a better way.

Taking advantage of the Resource Tracking feature in Starfield can eliminate the risk of constantly becoming encumbered. Much of the inventory is made ‌up of crafting materials: ⁢those​ they use constantly, those ⁢they’ll use eventually, and those that’ll gather dust forever.⁢ Most of these weigh little by themselves, but can add ⁢up. At Research and Crafting Stations, players can⁣ select certain recipes and track the materials they’ll need to craft them. This ⁤way, a magnifying glass icon⁤ will appear ​next to them in the inventory and out in the world. That tiny icon can⁢ keep players ⁢focused⁤ on their immediate needs, instead of ⁣picking up every single material they see.

However, resource tracking isn’t perfect. It’s only ever possible to⁣ track or untrack an entire​ recipe at once, which means that ⁢in order​ to track a specific material, the ​player will need to have a recipe ‍that ⁣includes it. Tracking that ‍recipe will also ​track ‍all the ingredients in it; there’s no way to set it to just one. Even after the recipe ​is‌ made, the materials will ⁢continue to be ‍tracked ⁤until the feature is toggled off.

Related: Starfield: How to Sell Stolen Items

2023-09-07 21:48:03
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