Hours after North Korea missile launch, Kim and Putin hold meeting

Hours after North Korea missile launch, Kim and Putin hold meeting

North Korean leader Kim Jong ⁤Un has begun his summit with Russian ‌President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, a couple of hours after Pyongyang fired two short-range ballistic missiles​ off its east coast.

Russia’s state‌ news agency RIA Novosti said Kim arrived at⁣ the cosmodrome⁤ in Russia’s eastern Amur region on Wednesday morning, minutes after it had reported Putin’s arrival.

The two​ men shook ⁤hands as they met, according to ⁣video from the‌ Kremlin.

Putin told Kim he was “very glad ‍to see” him, while Kim thanked Putin for the invitation to visit Russia, “despite being busy”, Russian state media said.

The Kim-Putin talks are expected to ⁢cover potential weapons sales, with the North Korean leader accompanied by top​ officials from the military and the weapons’ industry.

As Putin showed Kim⁤ around the⁤ cosmodrome, he told ⁢reporters from state media that “all issues” were up ⁢for discussion, but that Russia ⁣would help North Korea build satellites.

Original from www.aljazeera.com

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