Hisham Kassem, Government Critic, Receives 6-Month Sentence from Egyptian Court

Hisham Kassem, Government Critic, Receives 6-Month Sentence from Egyptian Court

An Egyptian court has‌ sentenced political activist Hisham‍ Kassem to ⁣six ​months in prison ‌over‌ charges that stemmed from an ⁤online spat with a former minister and opposition figure.

Saturday’s verdict is subject to an appeal before a higher⁣ court. The case ⁤drew condemnation from rights groups‌ and renewed global attention to Egypt’s poor human rights record.

Hisham Kassem, ⁢who is‌ a leading official with ⁣the‍ Free Current, a coalition of mostly‍ liberal parties, ‍was convicted of slander, defamation and verbally ⁤assaulting a police officer, according to ​Hossam Bahgat, head ‌of the Egyptian Initiative ⁤for Personal Rights, ⁤which represents Kassem before the court.

Bahgat‌ said​ the ‌court in Cairo ‍also fined Kassem 20,000 Egyptian pounds ⁣(approximately $647).

Original from www.aljazeera.com rnrn

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