Hideo Kojima Unveils New Pictures of Keanu Reeves and Norman Reedus Together

Hideo Kojima Unveils New Pictures of Keanu Reeves and Norman Reedus Together

Hideo​ Kojima ⁢continues to intrigue the ‍gaming community with⁣ photos he ⁤personally took with Keanu Reeves and Norman Reedus.

The post ​he shared has sparked speculation about a potential collaboration between the Kojima ​Productions boss and these two​ Hollywood actors,⁤ especially since a partnership with Norman Reedus has already been⁤ established for the creation⁢ of the post-apocalyptic odyssey Death Stranding.

Kojima’s message does not provide any context‍ for ⁣the recently published photos,‌ and the photos‍ themselves do not give any hints about⁣ the involvement of ​these ‌small and big ⁢screen stars, who have⁢ ventured into the video game ‌industry in recent years.

However,​ those who closely follow the activities ​of​ these ​two American actors already know that the famous Neo from “The Matrix” recently collaborated with the hero from “The ⁤Walking Dead” in an ⁤episode of “Riding with Norman⁤ Reedus” dedicated‌ to Keanu Reeves.

Therefore, it seems that there are no collaborations on gaming themes in progress between Kojima, Reeves, and Reedus in relation ⁤to new IPs or the future of Cyberpunk and Death‍ Stranding.​ However, considering Kojima’s diverse interests and the activities of the⁤ Japanese genius, it can be said that “never say never.”

Original from‌ www.playground.ru

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