Greece Continues to Witness Tragic Pattern as Another Roma Boy Dies in Police Chase

Greece Continues to Witness Tragic Pattern as Another Roma Boy Dies in Police Chase

Athens, Greece – Most of the mourners at​ the funeral were teenagers.

Christos Michalopoulos’s classmates, friends, and family gathered outside ⁤a church near​ the central Greek city of Thebes ⁢to bid farewell to the 17-year-old who died during a police chase on‍ November 11.

Dressed ⁤in⁢ black, they ⁤clung to each other in silence, some in tears.

The air‌ hung with a sense of shock. Several family members appeared⁤ lightheaded. Some‍ fainted and ⁤had to be held‍ upright or taken‍ away ‍for medical care.

When the bier was carried out of the church, a small crowd chanted his name as though answering his name on a school attendance register: “Christos Michalopoulos! Present!”

Michalopoulos died ⁣with a bullet lodged in his clavicle after ⁣being pursued by officers, marking⁤ the‌ third ‍time in less than three years⁣ that ⁣a Roma ‌teenager has been killed ⁣in incidents involving Greek police.

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