Gen 10: Correcting the Types of 10 Pokémon

Gen 10: Correcting the Types of 10 Pokémon

Over ⁢the years and generations of‍ Pokémon‘s history, there⁢ have been over 1,000 pocket monsters created or discovered and researched, but some⁣ of the ⁢Pokémon are left with ⁤type classifications that don’t really make⁣ sense. Types provide stats and attacks‌ to the Pokémon and signify general weaknesses and strengths in combat. Occasionally, ‍however, ​some of the⁣ Pokémon come out ⁢looking like they should have been a different kind based on their appearance or name.

Generation 10 of Pokémon⁤ is bringing a lot of speculation of new Pokémon that ​could be added to the Pokédex⁣ with its⁤ upcoming iteration. The discovery of new creatures is⁤ standard practice with each new generation, but some are already in‌ the⁤ Pokédex ‌that⁢ deserve a little tweaking.‌ Using the ‌already shifting times of a new generation to correct some of these oversights could ⁤help‍ make a​ few of these Pokémon more popular, or at least less confusing in some situations.

Gothitelle, and its ⁤earlier evolutions of Gothita‌ and Gothorita, is a Psychic-type‌ Pokémon that has a ⁢weakness to Dark-type Pokémon. As their names‍ are iterations of “Gothic”⁣ and‍ they possess an overall dark look, it seems‍ only natural ​that Gothitelle and its line ‌would be a dual Psychic and Dark​ type. This omission would ⁢mean a large change in its⁢ combat values for strengths and weaknesses ‌but would make more sense for the character ‌itself.

At first glance, Florges⁤ clearly looks to be‌ a giant flower.‍ Designated as a Fairy-type,​ the general appearance of Florges suggests that it should also be included as ⁢a Grass-type, perhaps with a⁣ dual classification. Lower evolutions of Floette and Flabébé show that it was at that time​ a separate‍ fairy-like creature‌ that ​held a ⁢flower close⁤ to‍ it, which ‌makes more sense being a Fairy-type. When evolving into the Florges, however, as the Pokémon clearly becomes one with the⁤ flower and adding Grass-type to its stats would ⁤be understandable.

The ‍Ultra Beast Nihilego ⁢is a Rock/Poison-type Pokémon that was introduced in⁣ Gen 7 as a parasite that arrives ‌through a​ wormhole from another world. This floating jellyfish-like creature ‍can justifiably be a Poison-type, but Rock-type ‍does not make sense​ from its background. Supposedly, the classification comes from Nihilego being described in the ‍Pokémon Sun & Moon Pokédex entry as “UB-01’s body is composed of ⁤a glass-like substance.” That⁣ said, ‍glass and rocks are ‌still quite⁣ different, ⁢and the​ overall‌ flowing nature of ⁤Nihilego does​ not lend itself⁤ to an immediate thought of rocks.

2023-09-03 19:48:03
Original ​from


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