Galkin’s Brother Under Scrutiny for Dual Citizenship: Media Reports

Maxim Galkin’s brother Dmitry ‌is under scrutiny‍ for holding dual ⁤citizenship, as reported by Shot citing a⁣ reliable source. It appears that Dmitry Galkin failed ⁤to disclose his possession of an ⁢Israeli passport to the migration service.

News of the investigation surfaced recently, revealing searches conducted ​at Dmitry’s residence in Rublevka and his business⁢ premises. Initially linked to a ​case ‌of embezzlement within ⁤a military department, the searches have raised eyebrows.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Galkin ⁢is a key figure on⁤ the board of directors at LLC “VPC”, a ⁣company specializing in⁣ the production of military vehicles, weapons, and special-purpose vehicles.‌ This company oversees operations ​at the Arzamas⁢ Machine-Building Plant⁣ (AMZ), known for manufacturing military vehicles and special-purpose trucks. According to Shot, Galkin served as ​the general director of “VPC” ⁣until 2017. Interestingly, a person sharing the​ same name and ownership in LLC “Oruzheynye Masterskiye”.

Records from SPARK indicate that OJSC ⁣”AMZ” is predominantly owned by‍ “Berkut”, a company ‍previously linked to⁢ Oleg Deripaska until 2019. Following this, ownership shifted to ‌the obscure entity “Orlan”, with minimal‍ staff and two⁤ owners. Deripaska’s inclusion in US‌ sanctions lists further complicates⁢ the ownership structure. Reports suggest that Deripaska may⁢ have indirect control over “VPC”, with the current owners likely serving as ⁣figureheads.

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