Fake Picture of Starfield’s Positive Reviews from Media Discovered by Players

Fake Picture of Starfield’s Positive Reviews from Media Discovered by Players

On September 7, Bethesda ‍and‌ Xbox‌ presented the glowing media rating of the game Starfield. Players ridiculed it ⁢when they realized that it did not include⁢ ratings from ⁤IGN and GS, the two⁣ most influential gaming publications. And now, ⁣user TigerCA213​ discovered that⁤ the praised ​image with the ratings of Starfield⁢ from the media turned out to be a fake.​ TigerCA213 emphasized⁢ with anger: “How many times has Xbox deceived consumers?”.

As seen in ⁣the praised ⁤image, the Metro portal is featured for⁣ Starfield. The table indicates that Metro’s⁤ rating is 5/5 (a perfect rating), but in reality,⁢ Metro’s official website lists a rating of 6⁣ out⁢ of 10, and ‌even if converted to a⁢ 5-point ⁣scale, ‌it would be 3/5. Reviewers pointed out numerous flaws in Starfield and stated that they wouldn’t give the ⁢game more than‌ 6 points.

Starfield ⁢is one⁤ of those games that has a long and glaring list of problems, but the main concept⁣ still ⁤allows the game to surpass its shortcomings. We got more ⁢enjoyment from the game compared to the first ⁢few ‌hours, ⁤but ​by the time we started writing the‍ full review, we still couldn’t imagine giving it more than 6 out of 10,” says Metro.

TigerCA213⁤ directly stated: “Xbox‌ deliberately ⁤changed the rating‌ to⁢ perfect. The Xbox brand is built on ⁤lies.”

TigerCA213’s message attracted a ‍lot of attention, and many ‍players turned to ⁣Bethesda and Xbox in‍ the comments section for explanations. According to players, the actual media rating for Starfield looks ‍as follows:

Currently,‍ no ‍representatives from⁤ Bethesda or Xbox have provided any comments on this⁢ matter.

Original from www.playground.ru

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