Explanation of the Hidden Glade with Nude Figures by Baldur’s Gate 3 Developers

Explanation of the Hidden Glade with Nude Figures by Baldur’s Gate 3 Developers

Baldur’s Gate 3 is‍ filled with⁢ secrets and mysteries that need​ to be uncovered, although not all of them were intended to be discovered.

One example is a⁣ group⁢ of naked male character models (accompanied by one fully clothed default Dark Temptation), ​which players have noticed right behind the character ⁣creation editor. While they are typically not visible, those who encounter game issues and mods ⁢end up ⁣in a‍ location that fans have nicknamed the “Naked Guy‍ Kingdom”.

Now, ⁢joining in‍ on the fun on social media, Larian Studios has explained the purpose behind ⁤these character ‌models. After responding to⁤ a tweet mentioning the so-called ⁣”Naked Guy⁣ Kingdom,” Larian ‍Studios explained​ why all the character models are ⁢off-screen.

The Naked Guy⁤ Kingdom, as it ⁤has ⁣been named‌ on the Internet, serves multiple purposes.⁣ First​ and foremost, they are used as voice acting mannequins. When you ⁣select your voice during character creation, ​it needs to be assigned to a physical mannequin character. So, one of these ⁣random naked dudes will emerge from the shadows, ‌replicating the sound⁢ samples⁣ of the voice ​you have chosen. Another usage is as a physical avatar assigned in the⁣ background while the‍ player creates⁢ their own ⁤hero. Yes, it’s a harsh fate. Thank you, ⁤Naked ⁣Guy!

All of this ⁣does not explain why ​the character models are‍ naked, why Dark ‍Temptation is⁢ present by default, or ‌why some have⁤ genitals while others resemble Ken dolls.⁣ However,⁢ Larian’s explanation provides an interesting insight into game development and the technical ⁤details that studios have to consider, which are ​usually unseen by players.

Post from www.playground.ru rnrn

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