Apple unveiled its latest iPad models today, introducing new versions of both the iPad Pro and iPad Air. These updates bring significant hardware improvements, with the iPad Pro now weighing less than its Air counterparts.
The 11-inch iPad Pro weighs just 0.98 pounds, making it lighter than the 11-inch iPad Air which comes in at 1.02 pounds. Moving up to the 13-inch models, the iPad Air is now available in this size for the first time. The 13-inch iPad Pro starts at 1.28 pounds for the Wi-Fi model, while the iPad Air weighs 1.36 pounds, making it slightly heavier.
Apple boasts that the latest iPad Pro is its thinnest device yet, thanks to the use of dual OLED panels. This innovation has helped reduce the weight of the device, making it a standout in the tablet market.
2024-05-07 11:49:42
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