Exclusive: Sony Announces Remake of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune with Insider Reports

Exclusive: Sony Announces Remake of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune with Insider Reports

Exciting news has emerged⁤ today as two insiders have revealed⁣ that Sony is in the process of creating a remake of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune.

While the identity of the developer behind the remake remains a mystery,⁤ it is anticipated that the game will be available on the latest gaming platforms, including the PS5 and PC. This development aligns with Sony’s decision not to bring⁤ The Nathan Drake Collection trilogy remasters to PC, opting instead to focus on the ‍latest installments. Furthermore, the absence of a PS5 patch for the ⁤collection adds weight to this rumor.

Adding ​to the excitement, Sony is also working on movie adaptations of Uncharted, set around the same time as the first ‌game in ⁣the series. This synchronicity is expected to generate even​ more interest in ​both the game and the movie.

Source from www.playground.ru

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